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Élodie Gossuin reacts frankly to the arrival of Laëtitia Milot in Le Meilleur Pâtissier: “To be honest…”

While doubt still hovered a few months ago, Laëtitia Milot was chosen to host the new season of Best pastry chef, which will begin next fall. Estelle Gossuin, who had also been mentioned as taking over the reins, reacted to her arrival in the program.

Last April, Laëtitia Milot announced exclusively to TV 7 days the start of a new project for her. The actress was entrusted with the animation of the Best pastry chef on M6! She explained to our colleagues: “I told myself I was going to take this on as a new role. I didn’t say yes right away. I gave myself some time to think before agreeing. I am passionate about cooking in generaland if I don’t watch much television, Le Meilleur Pâtissier is one of the programs, like Top Chef, that I follow with pleasure“. The former star of France 3 therefore succeeds Marie Portolano after Julie Vignali but also Faustine Bollaert.

Even if the one we discovered in More beautiful life with the role of Mélanie did not wish to ask advice from those who preceded her, she was able to count on the support of the presenter of It starts today. In an interview given to ParisianWednesday June 26, the host had indicated: I sent him a message when his name was announced for The Best Pastry Chef, and I think she is the right person and she must be very fulfilled”Several names had been put forward to replace Marie Portolano following her departure for Telematin, including that of Elodie Gossuin.

Elodie Gossuin would have liked to host The Best Pastry Chef

Miss France 2001 confided in TV 7 days on the arrival of Laëtitia Milot and the fact that she would have liked to host the show which highlights Mercotte and Cyril Lignac.It is true that I had received, quite flatteringly, a lot of messages telling me that I would like to succeed Marie Portolano… and, to be honest, I replied at that time that I liked the idea, as I am such a fan of the show and its human dimension!“, she told our colleagues. But while some might think she is disappointed, she says that it is not “absolutely not” the case. “I think it fits Laëtitia Milot like a glove. I can’t do everything anyway, and M6 already reserved for me this gift that is Show Me Your Voice. And I am extremely honored!“, added Elodie Gossuin.

On July 8, Bertrand Lacherie’s wife will in fact be at the head of a new show alongside Issa Doumbia. “We know each other’s faults and qualities. It saved us time, we know where we complement each other. I have a ‘schoolteacher’ side, very square, while Issa is a little more crazy. He’s an incredible showman, and his talents as a comedian and actor allowed me to be more free. I learned to let go. I finally give myself the right to no longer be smooth”, concluded the former beauty queen. All’s well that ends well!


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