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Rainy but festive day – La Chaise-Dieu (43160)

The Chaise-Dieu. A rainy festive day. On Sunday, June 23, a new festive day was proposed at the foot of the Abbey. Unfortunately, the weather was not really on our side, limiting the success of the day. Seven stands were finally present: the Atelier du Vieux Tilleul, La Petite fabrique de bougies, Rêve et coton, Sidoine, Les Abeilles de l’abbaye, Guy and Maryse Richard and Julie Larouer. The Cas’activités association had also organized a refreshment bar.

Among the activities, there was a collective basket-making workshop with Les Brindilleuses. The participants made the leaves and roots of a tree. The latter was named November in summer which resonated with the weather. About twenty people participated in making the tree with the help and explanations of the Brindilleuses.

The day was also marked by the spectacle Legendary peddlers from the company La Culottée. More than 40 people gathered to watch the performance which took place in front of the tavern.

Several pieces of music were also performed by three musicians from La Chaise-Musicale. About thirty people listened to this recital and applauded the performances. Adult theatre was also in the spotlight with a preview of their show that will take place in November. The actresses played in the caravan and, just before their performance, Basile and Lili-Plume performed a couple’s sketch.

Finally, the Planèze duo (transverse flute and accordion) played some traditional music. Throughout the day, Thomas Tettamanzi from the Guinguette in Eugène organized the songs à la carte for passers-by, and the blind test. All thanks to his barrel organ. Tickets for the abbey tour and the cultural season were won.


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