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Does the RN vote reflect a vision of nostalgic and backward-looking France?


PMore than a slogan, it is a profession of faith. The famous ” We are at home ! “ systematically launched in Marine Le Pen’s meetings for nearly fifteen years is a summary, in four words, of a vote and its motivations. It carries within it the fear of seeing his country and its traditions ” disappear “, to see each other “overwhelm” par « l’immigration massive ». But, with 32% of voting intentions in favor of National Rally (RN) candidates for the first round of the legislative elections on June 30, this “cultural insecurity” Is it still as central to the Le Pen electorate?

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For several years, the feeling of “no longer at home in France” is the majority in the country. Thus, the annual study “French Fractures” carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria for The world has been measuring this question since 2013: the response is always over 60%. With a peak, in October 2023, at 64%. In the same study, 66% of those questioned also believe that there is “too many foreigners in France” and 58% think that the “foreigners don’t make enough effort to integrate”. Similarly, 82% of those surveyed think that France is in ” decline “.

All these indicators point in the same direction, that of a concern about being dispossessed of what we have always known, about seeing our country transform so much that it could no longer exist. “These are anxieties fueled by the question of immigration. The shift to the rhetoric of overwhelm means that. We are no longer in accusation towards immigrants who would take jobs and social benefits, but in the fear of disappearing”notes Brice Teinturier, deputy CEO of Ipsos.

Read also the analysis: Article reserved for our subscribers “French Fractures”: A Country Where Decline, Anger and Attraction to the Far Right Are Growing

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The Front National vote has often been presented as a vote of social protest, that of the forgotten working classes. While this dimension is indeed present, particularly in the most isolated areas, far from the influence of urban centres, it does not, alone, explain the Le Pen scores. The vote for the nationalist party is polymorphic. Thus, the RN has been able to create its own political offer, linking social concerns to the question of immigration. These have been the two stages of the Frontist rocket for almost fifty years. Thus, during the 1978 legislative elections, the party with the flame adopted the slogan: “A million unemployed is a million too many immigrants.” The synthesis was made, the political line established. And she will never be abandoned.

“The individualization of society”

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