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Joe Biden emerges weakened from his performance against Donald Trump

Joe Biden emerges weakened from his poor performance against Donald Trump

The American president has overshadowed the Democratic clan, write the media around the world in unison. A question is at the heart of the news: who to replace him?

Published today at 7:11 p.m.

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There is currently little other topic in the American media than the first televised debate between presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump. The European press also focused on the duel, scrutinized closely. Joe Biden’s performance was the subject of unequivocal comments in the country and abroad.

The “New York Times” describes the debate with restraint in tone, but bluntness in analysis. The president had hoped to give new impetus to his electoral campaign by agreeing to participate in the face-to-face meeting. “Instead, his hesitant and disjointed intervention on Thursday evening triggered a wave of consternation within the Democratic camp.” The American daily questions the need for an alternative candidacy. The newspaper quotes a party insider who predicts difficult months for the American president. “Joe Biden faces a crescendo of calls to resign.”

According to the “Wall Street Journal”, the Democratic Party was in turmoil after a chaotic entry on the scene. For months, party members have argued that the 81-year-old is fit to run for a second term. But after the televised duel, the tide turned. Some strategists, donors and close advisors were even “shocked” by the display of weakness. Behind the scenes, many had already spoken out in favor of his replacement. The daily newspaper condemned the faltering appearances of the 46 a few weeks agoe President of the United States. However, a resignation is unlikely.

Unanimous press in criticism

The “New York Post” headlines: “Simply sad, the president mumbles, stumbles, freezes in the fiasco debate.” Biden’s candidacy was called into question after his “poor and static performance” during the debate against Trump caused “panic and anger” among Democrats, says the tabloid, which does not do lace.

Perhaps the most brutal assessment came from Chris Wallace, who moderated the first Biden-Trump debate in 2020. On CNN, he said, “It was like a car crash in slow motion.” He said the president self-sabotaged and “sunk” his own campaign with the televised debate.

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On the CNN website, the analysis is merciless. “Biden delivered the weakest performance since John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon founded the tradition of televised debates in 1960.” According to CNN again, it would be too early to judge the reaction of the electorate and whether its confidence can be regained. The chances are slim. Biden only narrowly beat Trump in key hotly contested states in 2020. Current polls show the two candidates roughly tied. “It would only take a few thousand voters to abandon Biden for Trump to return to the White House,” concludes CNN.

The European media did not spare Joe Biden either. “A catastrophic performance,” writes the German newspaper “Der Spiegel.” The Democrats should quickly start looking for an alternative. “Otherwise, the door to the Oval Office is open to the populist candidate,” the editorial reads.

“The worst scenario we could imagine”

Still according to the German-speaking media, Joe Biden, pale and with a closed face, was difficult to understand. He stumbled over his words, lost track, stared at the camera. Even his conclusion was not convincing. A feat worthy of the worst-case scenario. It is said that even his most loyal friends no longer knew how to defend him.

The verdict of the British “Financial Times” is just as brutal. The Biden camp lied to itself during the election campaign. All debates about the candidate’s age were stifled and passed over in silence, while they have been by far the number one topic of conversation for a year in Washington. “The question now is whether a resignation is being considered,” it says.

Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom, serious plans B?

The leading Spanish media “El País” looked in an article on possible alternatives, focusing on Kamala Harris, who declared in complete distress that “Joe Biden was slow to start, but he finished in force”, and on Gavin Newsom, governor of California, ideal other replacement in the race for the White House?

Simon Widmer has been a journalist in the World section of the Tamedia editorial team since 2019. Previously, he worked for “SonntagsZeitung”. Simon Widmer studied political science and political economy at the University of Bern.More informations @WidmerSimon

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