DayFR Euro

“It is urgent to save rural areas!”

“I am close to the high Côte-d’Oriens”. – © David Vermassen

Hubert Brigand is a Republican candidate in the legislative elections.

Our questions to Hubert Brigand, outgoing MP and Les Républicains candidate in the Legislative elections in the fourth constituency of Côte-d’Or.

In what state of mind are you approaching these last days of the campaign?

“I am determined, again and again, to meet the residents of the constituency and to defend rurality. It has been my hobby horse for 40 years! I am close to the people of Upper Côte-d’Or. I share their concerns. I have experience in managing local authorities. After these first two years in the National Assembly, I have acquired a good knowledge of the workings of power that allows me to claim to serve my fellow citizens. This is not the case for the other candidates.”

You are campaigning, with your deputy Eliane Lepine, more than ever with your slogan “rurality forward”. After two years of parliamentary presence on the ground and several decades in contact with the territory, is it becoming urgent to save rurality?

“The defense of rurality should always have been a priority of successive governments. Rurality is our traditions and our identity, these know-how and these landscapes that we envy, this quality agriculture that nourishes us. It is also an economic vitality that only requires the same means as in the city to develop. Unfortunately, to the extent that these resources have not been there and despite the efforts made by local authorities whose dynamism and commitment I salute, our countryside is emptying and the decommissioning process is intensifying. So yes, it’s urgent! But I am convinced that we are not condemned to decline. I put all my energy into this battle.”

Will real decentralization be imposed on the future government?

“I would really like it to be imposed on the future government! The decisions taken in Paris, in complete disregard of the needs and expectations of rural citizens, are too often disconnected from the realities on the ground. An example is the class closures that affect our constituency. The threshold of a minimum number of children per class cannot be the only criterion that applies. Indeed, in our country, a class that closes means that children will have to get up very early to travel a few dozen kilometers by school transport to reach another school. This is very different from the situation in the city… Decentralization has always been presented as a solution to the problems of rurality, but has never really been implemented despite the promises. Why? Willingness of central government to control? Lack of confidence in the ability of local elected officials to manage these issues? I plead in favor of common sense. Who better than those most concerned to make the right decisions?”

What message do you have for voters in your constituency?

“Have confidence in my ability to make your voice heard. During these legislative elections, you will decide how our country will be run. I know that you will not be taken in by the mirages of certain candidates’ electoral promises. Unfortunately, France’s economic situation leaves little choice but to focus our efforts on reducing the enormous debt that is weighing down the future of our children. However, we must increase the resources allocated to health, education and the opening up of rural areas. You have also clearly stated that our country needs order. This is a conviction that I have shared for a long time. You will also decide on the message on the ground that will be brought to the National Assembly. You know that I do not mince my words and that I have always defended you. I believe that I am best equipped to continue to do so.”


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