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Arthur’s radical decision following the death of Wahid Bouzidi

Podcast Guest Génération Do It YourselfArthur returned to a decision taken following the death of Wahid Bouzidi to On Friday, everything is allowed.

On August 20, 2023, comedian Wahid Bouzidi died at the age of 45. He died of a stroke which occurred while he was on vacation in Morocco. “Wahid left us this morning. Let us pray for him, his family and his friends”, we could read on his official Facebook page. The announcement came as a shock to his fans, but also to his many friends who all paid tribute to him. This is particularly the case for Arthur: “What sad news. Wahid, I will remember your kindness, your gentleness, your benevolence and all those years of laughter in VTEP. I am thinking of your family, your loved ones, your friends and Booder in this painful ordeal that you are going through. Rest in peace“, he declared.

On Friday, everything is allowed : the decision taken by Arthur after the death of Wahid Bouzidi

Wahid Bouzidi was one of the figures of the show On Friday, everything is allowed presented by Arthur. Guest in the podcast Génération Do It Yourself, the host confided that shows with the comedian had already been filmed before his death and that a decision had to be made. “You care about the one who dies. It happened to us. For example, this winter, a comedian I really like, Wahid Bouzidi died, it was a shock for us. Well, we’re not going to broadcast the post-mortem shows. We did a special show to pay tribute to him, but after…“, he declared. Filmed programs could therefore not be broadcast.

Arthur opens up about his disability

In the podcast, the father also confided in the handicap that has accompanied him since birth, a hearing problem.I have had a problem since birth, I am deaf in my right ear. I have blocked canals“, he explained. This can cause problems for Arthur when he presents shows.”I wear an earpiece during my TV shows, not so that people can talk in my ear but so that I can hear my guests.“, he added. A handicap that he does not let take over, however, since he continues to practice the job he loves.


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