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Age differences – Claude, 67, and Nicole, 48: “She says I exhaust her”

Claude, 67, has been in a relationship with Nicole, 48, for almost 15 years: “We both had difficult divorces with children on our own. I remained single for 2 years to get over it but I continued to have a very active life in my town. I always participated in several associations, I help at the town hall, I make donations to the school. I don’t know how to stay at home and do nothing. I always need to see people. I met Nicole when she moved to the city and was looking to make friends. I started by showing her around, without having any. idea in our heads. And then one thing led to another, we ended up dating. At first, we didn’t want it to be too serious. people were going to say. But it became more and more serious and we couldn’t do anything other than regroup our lives and our families. I never regretted it.

Claude assures that the age difference is not felt in their relationship: “I am in better shape than her. She needs to rest on weekends and spend days doing nothing on vacation and I can’t sit still. I also do sports several times a week. Physically, I’ve never felt so good. It’s Nicole who has health problems. I’m no longer in the pay of a boss. I manage my time as I want, which is not the case for Nicole, who is also exhausted by her professional life. of our differences. She says that I’m wearing her out. I still have lots of projects. I want to start a business again. She thinks I’m crazy. slow down is that it might prevent us from spending time together.”

Claude’s hyperactivity has already caused problems in his relationship: “Even if it’s something that makes us laugh most of the time, we’ve already argued about it. She even left the house for a few days, just after the first lockdown. She couldn’t stand seeing me start projects in the house and in the garden. I couldn’t sit still and it was even worse than usual. I would get up at night to take notes or order materials online. I wasn’t like that when I was young. I’ve become like that over time. We had a big discussion after the lockdown crisis and I promised to calm down a little. But the more time passes, the more I feel like it’s running out. I also know that I’m lucky to still be in good shape for a man my age. That’s not the case for everyone. I already have friends who are very sick and some who have even died. I want to make the most of the time he has I have left. Nicole doesn’t realize that. She’s still young.”

For the future, Claude would like to spend more time with his wife: “She still has to work for more than 10 years before retirement and I, in 10 years, I don’t know where I’m going to be. So, I’m trying to get us organize vacations. Car trips all over Europe Things that take time to organize and which will give us great memories. Our children are old enough to manage on their own. time before because we couldn’t with the children and then we lost the habit of dreaming about it. I started thinking about it when one of my friends lost his wife. I don’t want to think about it. We will have spent our entire history working or taking care of our children. We need to take care of ourselves too. That’s the advantage of being retired. a little more and to enjoy the good times and also learn that my wife needs to spend time with me where we don’t do anything. It’s a bit against my nature but I want to make her happy. She’s the woman I always wanted to grow old with.”

According to an INSEE study, 6 out of 10 men are older than their partners but only 8% of couples have more than 10 years of age difference. In recent years we have noticed an evolution: the average age gap seems to be widening. How do these couples that almost a generation opposes live? Is it possible to have a balanced relationship when both partners are not at the same time in their lives?

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