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Disability awareness day at Lou Vignarès college in Vedène

For 2 years, the Lou Vignarès college has hosted various professionals for a disability awareness campaign aimed at 6th grade students and a CM2 class from the sector. This event is sponsored by Mr. Bruce Codron, multiple world champion of Kickboxing

This year the college welcomed:

  • Alexandre Hoyau, the screenwriter of the comic strip “A college student like the others” who is also the president of CMT France (Charcot-Marie-Tooth diseases). He worked with the students on a sequel to the comic strip.
  • Sim Cox, a retired American (maxillofacial) surgeon, who spoke with students about his life in Chicago and his profession (in English). He is also a musician and proposed a concert in the playground during lunch break.
  • Daniel Santiago, boxer actor, president of the fight of a lifetime association, rewarded for his film offering a testimony on perseverance and its fight.
  • Guillaume Mautz, wheelchair rugby player (world champion), for a testimony on the values ​​of sport and commitment despite the blows of life.
  • Yvette Ricci, CMT Paca delegate and Mr. Herbin Patrice (initiator of this day) to raise students’ awareness of disability issues and reflect on the acceptance of difference.
  • Louis Meiller, audiovisual craftsman who intervened in his profession by informing students of the difficulties and dangers of using his image on social networks.

This lively day under the sign of the values ​​of sport, acceptance of others, courage and the desire to surpass oneself was marked by moving testimonies much appreciated by the entire educational community.
This event ended with the reception of a CM2 class, with the presentation of the different actors of the day and a very emotional exchange

This Our School Let’s Do It Together (NEFLE) project will continue next year, with the participation of people already involved, new ideas and new partners. Great moments still ahead.


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