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Possible link between the deaths of three of its workers: Northvolt assures to collaborate in the police investigation

While we learn from AFP that the Swedish police will investigate a possible link between three worker deaths of the first site of the manufacturer Northvolt, the company ensures Journal collaborate “fully in carrying out the police investigation”.

“A first police investigation carried out earlier this year established that two of the three deaths were not linked to the workplace,” recalls Journal Northvolt spokesperson Emmanuelle Rouillard-Rouleau.

“Northvolt had also carried out an internal investigation which had also not revealed any accident or exposure to toxic substances which would explain the cause of the deaths,” she continues.

Last January, a 33-year-old worker from “Northvolt Ett” in Skelleftea was found dead in his sleep. Another 19-year-old was found a month later. And a third, 59 years old, died in similar circumstances in early June.

“The death of these three colleagues is truly tragic and our hearts go out to their families during this difficult time,” said Northvolt.

However, according to AFP, past investigations have just been reopened and a third is underway, because the police want to know if there is “a possible link” between the three deaths.

«Health-focused culture»

Au Journal, Northvolt, which is leading a billion-dollar project here, ensures that the health, safety and well-being of its workers are its priority and that it has a program among the best in the industry.

“In Quebec, we are implementing a strong culture focused on health and safety, inspired by industry best practices and in compliance with current standards,” concludes Northvolt.

Recall that last week, BMW canceled a nearly $3 billion contract with Northvolt due to battery delivery delays.

Photo provided by NORTHVOLT


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