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“War and Peace” day in the woods

As part of an educational project financed by the Centre-Val de Loire region, the Les Mille univers association offered the RPI Palluau-Villeguoin schools the opportunity to work on the notions of war and peace with nursery school students. The RPI has been involved in the “School outside” system for four years.

This year, the kindergarten class worked with a local botanist, Franck Lejard, to understand how plants defend and help each other in nature. To keep beautiful traces of these discoveries, the members of the Les Mille univers association went, Monday June 24, 2024, to the Palludean natural space to set up cultural practice workshops (plastic and poetic activities) with the young students.

Vegetable inks, poems, monotypes

During this experience, the teachers received support from many local retirees. Thus, a team of a dozen adults voluntarily participated in the activities to allow children to create and invent in nature on the themes of war and peace.

Among the activities, there was the making of plant prints on fabric to make a kamishibai, vegetable inks, monotypes with an old press. The schoolchildren also made paper with the inclusion of plants and created collective poems.


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