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Gas prices, shrinkflation, youth savings plan… Here’s everything that changes on July 1

The arrival of July will be accompanied by a certain number of changes impacting the daily lives of the French. Gas prices, new youth savings plan or the fight against shrinkflation… Overview of the different price developments which are coming into force in France.

Good and bad surprises to come for the French wallet. As of July 1, 2024, many changes are expected in the energy and economic fields. The complete update on all these new features.


The price of gas has experienced numerous fluctuations in recent years and this is bad news awaiting French households on July 1st. The benchmark price of gas will increase by 11.7% compared to June 2024. An increase which can be explained by “the application of the new tariff for natural gas distribution networks and the increase in wholesale prices of natural gas,” explains the government. The average level of the benchmark price will be €129.2/MWh including tax compared to €113.19/MWh in June.

fight against SHRINKFLATIOn

“Shrinkflation” is the English translation of “reduflation”, a word created from the contraction of “reduction” and “inflation”. A term used to define the business practice in which the price of the product increases or remains the same while the quantity sold decreases. To combat this phenomenon, the government is putting in place, from July 1, a new specific obligation to inform consumers in supermarkets. From now on, they will have to clearly “indicate the upward trend in the prices of consumer products having suffered a reduction in quantity”.

a new savings plan for those under 21

From Monday July 1, a new savings product reserved for those under 21 is available: the future climate savings plan which aims to mobilize the savings of younger people in favor of the ecological transition. This savings plan can be opened from the birth of a child. The amounts will then be blocked until he reaches the age of majority. The ceiling is set at 22,950 euros.

opening of the tax correction service

If you have spotted an error on your tax notice, you will be able to modify your declaration online from July 31 using the online declaration correction service on the website. You will have until December 4, 2024 to make changes via this service.

“France Ruralités Revitalisation” arrives

“France Ruralités Revitalisation” is the name given to the new reform of rural revitalization zones (ZRR). The latter will come into force this Monday, July 1. This system aims to strengthen the attractiveness of rural areas: 17,700 municipalities will be zoned “France Ruralités Revitalisation”, 13 departments will be fully zoned and mountain areas are taken into account in their specificity.


The mobility payment rate is revised twice a year, on January 1st and July 1st. It is a contribution due by employers who hire more than 10 employees and which helps finance travel via public transport. The rate differs depending on your community or agglomeration. You can find the different rates here.

The energy performance diagnosis (EPD) is evolving for small homes

Housing with a surface area of ​​less than or equal to 40m2 will see their energy performance diagnosis (DPE) changed from this Monday, July 1. The method of calculating the energy label (ranging from “A” for the most efficient housing to “G” for the most energy-consuming housing) is modified, making it possible to remove a certain number from the category of “energy strainers”. of these small areas.

For DPE carried out over the last three years, the accommodation affected by this development may be the subject of a document which attests to the new DPE label to benefit from it.


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