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What to do when pollen allergies become too bothersome?

Blocked nose, disturbed sleep, difficulties at school and work… the symptoms linked to pollen allergies – the famous “hay fever” – can impact health and social life. It is therefore advisable to consult as soon as possible and follow appropriate treatment to avoid serious complications such as asthma attacks.

I specialize in the field of respiratory allergies linked, in particular, to contact with allergens present in the air. I notice that in general, patients come to consult us when their symptoms are already well advanced.

Some respiratory allergies occur all year round and concern dust mites, animals or even mold. Others, such as allergies to tree pollen (birch, ash, etc.) or herbaceous pollen (mugwort, ragweed, etc.), are seasonal.

In France, nearly one in three adults and 20% of children over 9 years old suffer from seasonal rhinitis caused by an allergy to pollen, better known as “hay fever”, according to figures from the Health Safety Agency (ANSES).

According to the Asthma & Allergies association, an average of 7 years pass between the appearance of the first symptoms and consultation with an allergist, for various reasons. At first, we often try to treat ourselves, using family remedies, over-the-counter medications, or asking advice from friends or our GP.

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Blocked nose, impaired sleep and social life, asthma attacks

But when the symptoms become too bothersome for daily life – such as irritated eyes that prevent you from working or living normally, a blocked nose, inflammation that impairs the quality of sleep and social life, or even asthma attacks – we turn to an allergist.

The specialist will be able to carry out tests, determine the responsible allergens and implement a more precise and personalized treatment strategy.

Allergies have been shown to have a significant impact on quality of life, particularly among young people, whose academic performance and productivity may be affected by pollen allergies. Likewise, in adults, allergies can lead to reduced productivity.

HAS read also:
Air pollution in the classroom: what impact on student learning?

An increase in symptoms with climate change

With ongoing climate change, we are observing an increase in the severity of allergic symptoms, which could reduce the average time to see an allergist by 7 years. We recently published an article in a specialist allergology journal which highlights this development.

There appears to have been a significant change in the way allergies are viewed since the Covid-19 pandemic, and this may also contribute to a reduction in the time to specialist care.

Climatic events, such as pollen storms, can suddenly reveal these pathologies. Each year, these storms can catastrophically and suddenly trigger asthma attacks in people who are not necessarily diagnosed. During pollen peaks, there can be a massive increase in patients in emergency rooms for respiratory crises, sometimes severe.

A risk of severe complications in the absence of treatment

For people allergic to pollen, it is observed that rhinoconjunctivitis becomes more severe and can lead to superinfections, as well as serious sinusitis. These complications are often linked to allergies, which are underestimated and not initially treated.

It’s like driving on the highway with a nail in the tires: even if an accident occurs, the nail in the tires is ignored.

It is therefore a loss of opportunity for those whose allergy is not diagnosed or treated correctly. Those who are lucky enough to be diagnosed and treated can increase their chances of preventing such complications.

Common or specific treatments, desensitization

To relieve allergic reactions, you can use medications called antihistamines available at pharmacies.

To treat symptoms due to a pollen allergy, you can use nasal sprays that help remove pollen from the eyes and nose.

To improve patients’ quality of life, we offer personalized treatment tailored to their symptoms, going beyond over-the-counter medications. This may include specific treatments and desensitization to allergens, which are natural and very effective approaches to reducing the intensity of symptoms. These treatments are usually administered by an allergist.

The special case of allergic asthma

We also have screening tools for diseases such as asthma, which represents a major public health issue with around 900 deaths per year in France according to figures from Public Health France.

Asthma can occur at any time in the life of an allergic or sensitive person. 80% of cases of asthma in children are of allergic origin. It is important to take treatment regularly if you suffer from asthma.

Apps and emergency kit to manage your allergy depending on the period

In practice, during critical periods, it is appropriate to adopt the simple actions presented above.

There are also various resources to receive alerts and vigilance advice regarding pollen peaks, such as the free Pollen + smartphone application. It is designed in collaboration with the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA), which also has the resource site.

It is also advisable to have an emergency kit on hand with rescue treatment in case of serious allergic reactions, especially during pollen storms. It is therefore important to remain vigilant and adopt precautionary reflexes to best manage risky periods.

Lack of public awareness and lack of training of doctors

There is a lack of awareness of the symptoms linked to respiratory allergies and an underestimation of their severity, with significant consequences in the medium and long term, particularly for the development and skills of children.

There is also a lack of communication and doctors are not always trained in these issues, often due to lack of time and pressure linked to medical demographics.

The deployment of new professions such as advanced practice nurses will be essential to meet the growing demand for health care.


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