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Legislative: “Let’s give white children a future”… convicted in 2018 and former Gud, who is Pierre-Nicolas Nups the candidate behind the controversial poster?

the essential
A poster distributed by a candidate in the fifth constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle shocks residents. The Nancy public prosecutor announced the opening of an investigation.

A poster distributed in several municipalities in the fifth district of Meurthe-et-Moselle has been controversial since the start of the week. We see a blond child barely 10 years old, his blue eyes wide open and a serious expression, with this slogan written in large letters above his head: “Let’s give white children a future.”


The one hiding behind this outrageous poster is the Party of France, a small group which presents… only one candidate in the legislative elections, precisely in this constituency. This candidate is called Pierre-Nicolas Nups. And he has already made a name for himself politically in his past.

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Politically, the candidate, now 32 years old, had already been a candidate in the legislative elections in 2017, this time in the first constituency of the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle. He only received 0.77% of the votes. The following year, he was sentenced by the Nancy criminal court to a six-month suspended prison sentence, five years of ineligibility, and a five-year ban on holding any judicial office for inciting homophobic hatred. , as recalled The Republican East.

He would nevertheless have obtained that this conviction be declared illegal, since he presents today for these legislative elections a clean record.

Far right

With his small group of the Party of France, of which he is a member of the political bureau and regional delegate, Pierre-Nicoles Nups presents himself under the label of the “Rally of the National Right”, which does not represent for him the equivalent of the RN , but “which corresponds to the National Front of Jean-Marie Le Pen”.

In response to the controversy, he told the newspaper The Republican East that he had “validated” the incriminated poster. It conveys, according to him, “a message of hope for our youth and nothing else. And if we saw anything else in it, it would be a malicious interpretation.”

Pierre-Nicolas Nups, candidate of the Party of France in the legislative elections in the 5th constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle, fully assumes the use of “Let’s give a future to white children” posters for his campaign.

— Thomas Joly (@ThomasJoly732)

Still in the columns of the regional daily, he explains having in the past “represented the youth sections” of Jean-Marie Le Pen’s party in the region “more than 15 years ago”, after having spent several years within the Gud (Union Defense Group), whose dissolution was announced by the government this Wednesday, June 26.

A lawyer specializing in labor law, he also attended the Œuvre française in his youth. The far-right, ultranationalist organization was dissolved in 2013 following the death of anti-fascist activist Clément Méric. It was not directly involved in the affair, but the Minister of the Interior at the time, Manuel Valls, described it as “an association which propagates a xenophobic and anti-Semitic ideology, racist and negationist theses, which exalts collaboration and the Vichy regime, and which pays regular tributes to Marshal Pétain, Brasillach or Maurras”.

Investigation opened

Pascal Schneider, the mayor of Neuves-Maisons, where some of the controversial posters were posted, filed a complaint this Monday, June 24. “This is not a political display, it is a sectarian display, which demonizes, which stigmatizes,” he denounced.

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Legislative elections 2024: “Let’s give white children a future…” This far-right poster which causes an outcry

In response, the Nancy public prosecutor, François Capin-Dulhoste, indicated that he had entrusted “an investigation to the Nancy research brigade into the charge of public provocation to discrimination, hatred or violence on account of origin or belonging or not belonging to a specific ethnic group, nation, race or religion.

\ud83d\udd34A convicted homophobe and far-right candidate for the legislative elections in Meurthe-et-Moselle.

In the 5th constituency, there is no RN or Reconquest candidate. The very racist and anti-Semitic party of France therefore decided to invest Pierre-Nicolas Nups. Who is he ? \u2b07\ufe0f

— StreetPress (@streetpress)

On its website, the Party of France states that this poster was “a real success” and that “the stock is exhausted”. “Our activists take all risks to display our offensive and radical slogans everywhere in France,” adds the movement, which hopes to win the constituency from the outgoing PS Dominique Potier.

After the withdrawal of the nomination of the candidate initially supported by Éric Ciotti and “the low score of the Republicans in the territory”, Pierre-Nicolas Nups already sees himself in the second round against the outgoing deputy.


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