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The death of Daniel Monnier, mayor of Miniac-sous-Bécherel

Daniel Monnier, the mayor of Miniac-sous-Bécherel, died at the age of 76ns. In this town in the canton of Montauban-de-Bretagne, he was mayor since 2014, and was serving his second term. According to our information, he suffered from heart problems and had recently undergone surgery.

Dean of elected officials of Rennes metropolis

When his death was announced, Nathalie Appéré, the president of Rennes Métropole, shares her “deep sadness” upon learning of the disappearance of the one who was the dean of the metropolitan council.

“Warm, caring, humanist in heart and reason, we will remember him as a colleague who was always very attentive to others, particularly the most vulnerable. He was also particularly attached to access to public services and was full of inventiveness to ensure that the inhabitants of his rural community had access to them”reacts Nathalie Appéré.

“His sense of pedagogy and sharing”

“He brought intercommunality to life every day and worked to strengthen the link between the metropolis and its smaller municipalities. Thanks to his sense of teaching and sharing, he knew how to bring together the actors of his territory around the table to make them work together”adds the president, emphasizing her sense of pedagogy among residents. “Popularizing, simplifying, making accessible and sharing projects: that was Daniel’s talent and commitment. »

She also describes a mayor “fully committed”with many other qualities. “We will miss his sense of community and listening, his mischievous humor, his generosity. His respectful recognition towards all the people with whom he worked, too. »


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