DayFR Euro

Ploërmel: drunk and going the wrong way, she causes an accident


Amélie Loho

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 5:47 p.m.

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The scene could have turned into a tragedy. During the night of Saturday June 22 to Sunday June 23, 2024, while the Music Festival closed at Ploërmel (Morbihan)a car went up the station Road has misinterpretation.

It was 1:40 a.m. when “the vehicle driven by a woman ran a stop sign in front of the Saint-Marc hotel”, with his nose and beard gendarmes who patrolled to secure the musical event.

Stopped by a truck on a wrong-way street

While they were following her to try to stop her, the motorist violates traffic rules rushing into the street in the forbidden direction.

His race stopped at the first intersection where a truck was parked in the middle of the road. Three music groups had performed on stage earlier in the evening, in front of a large audience.

It was time for the musicians to dismantle when “the vehicle hit the trailer” head-on, causing the triggering of the airbags.

“She was driving drunk, with an advanced blood alcohol level,” informs squadron leader Frédéric Monpierre. ” Fortunately, no one got hurt. »

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