Donald Trump’s allies are preparing for America’s semi-authoritarian future

Donald Trump’s allies are preparing for America’s semi-authoritarian future
Donald Trump’s allies are preparing for America’s semi-authoritarian future

As the 2024 US presidential election approaches, Donald Trump and his allies are stepping up their attacks on the supposed “fascist regime” in Washington. A rhetoric that has been growing especially since the conviction of the former President of the United States in the Stormy Daniels case. A judge led by the Biden administration, “crucified” witnesses, a “rigged” trial and a “scam” based on unjustified accusations: a whole range of “evidence” supporting the need for a change of direction is being produced by the MAGA (Make America Great Again) camp.

In fact, Donald Trump’s entourage is preparing to take back control the day after the presidential election on November 5. “People must be held accountable for the crimes that have been committed in recent years. We have seen them lie, abuse our justice system. We have seen Joe Biden attack innocent Americans across the country, like the protesters on January 6 [2021, lors de l’attaque du Capitole, ndlr] who were sent to the gulag in Washington,” Karoline Leavitt proclaimed on Fox News at the end of May.

And these are not just words. In early November 2023, the Washington Post revealed that “Donald Trump and his allies are plotting revenge and control of the Justice Department in a second term,” as well as a host of other reforms to establish a conservative authoritarian regime.

A conservative revolution

Beyond the public statements, the analysis of the American daily is based on a report entitled “Project 2025. Presidential Transition Project”. Published by the group of…




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