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Seine et Marne. Lower prices, promotions and new departments: this new Auchan is taken by storm


Yoann Vallier

Published on

June 19, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

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It has been a long time since we have seen such agitation in Nemours (Seine-et-Marne), at the supermarket on Avenue du Général de Gaulle. “I’ve been here for 27 years,” an employee told us. It feels great to see this new momentum. If I could kiss the director, I would! “.

The boss, Antonio de Lemos, doesn’t ask for that much. But it is with a smile from ear to ear that he watches his old Hyper Casino, shunned by customers because of too high prices, come back to life since the store became an Auchan.

After two weeks of work, the reopening took place this Thursday, June 13: “ We had a magnificent reopening, with lots of people. Many customers tell me that they haven’t been here for a long time.”

It must be said that the brand has communicated a lot about its former weak point: prices that are too high. A sample cart, supported by receipts, demonstrates the significant drop: “They are down by 20 to 25%,” summarizes the director. We are at the best price level, in addition to real qualitative contributions”.

Local producers in the spotlight

The contrast is indeed striking, upon entering the supermarket. Agents welcome customers to sign memberships to the loyalty program, which is particularly advantageous if you purchase Auchan products.

On the left, a non-food part which did not exist, and inside the store, larger departments, and some new products that will please Nemourians: “We spoke with Mayor Valérie Lacroute, and we said that it was important to promote local producers.”

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From the reception, good deals are highlighted ©YV/RSM77

Thus, there is a whole section with, for example, products from Des Lys Chocolat, Biberon apple juice or Gâtinais honey. Between the shelves, the customer crosses what they called the “price boulevard”, with Auchan products highlighted. There is also a large section for world products, and the highly anticipated return of the fishmonger and a bakery where bread, pastries and cakes will be baked on site all day.

There is real potential

Antonio de Lemos

Currently, Auchan specialists are working alongside the teams to train them. “TAll the staff have been retained, and we will launch recruitments a little later, as the store expands.

Because other new things will arrive: new furniture, the return of the Drive, the return of staff at the checkouts… And the reopening all day on Sunday: “For the moment, we open on Sunday afternoon, but we will be able to open all day from September.”

Outside, the gas station will also resume service with falling prices.

It is therefore a real renewal for this emblematic store : “There is real potential. We have great parking and the location is ideal with the motorway exit.” Customers, in any case, seem to have already adopted new habits. And they are not immune to a pleasant surprise: each time they go to the checkout, they will be able to win a year’s worth of groceries with their receipt!

Auchan, 24 avenue du Général de Gaulle. You can buy your favorite weekly there.

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