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facing the RN, Raphaël Glucksmann affirms that “only the left can be the dam”

In an article published by the newspaper Le Monde this Tuesday, June 18, MEP Place Publique calls for mobilization for the New Popular Front during the legislative elections. Faced with the risk of the far right, he asks his voters to “prioritize the dangers”.

A call to vote. Place Publique MEP Raphaël Glucksmann indicates in the columns of the newspaper Le Monde that he “understands the confusion” of his voters during the European elections who are hesitant to vote for the New Popular Front for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. “But when the extreme right is at the gates of power, prioritizing the dangers becomes an obligation,” he wrote in a column published this Tuesday, June 18.

“Who can decently believe that the main threat to the Republic comes from a rebellious France divided and diluted in a large electoral coalition over which it has no control when the National Rally alone can conquer the absolute majority in the Assembly in less time three weeks?” asks Raphaël Glucksmann.

“The dominant line is no longer that of Jean-Luc Mélenchon”

The social democrat, who has been very critical of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s movement in recent months, has finally joined the union of the left under the banner of the New Popular Front for the legislative elections.

“We have fought tirelessly to ensure that the New Popular Front is not a Nupes 2 and it is clear this time in the eyes of everyone, including his own, that Jean-Luc Mélenchon will not be prime minister. He is also clear that the dominant line is no longer his”, insists Raphaël Glucksmann.

“So yes, the purges are unbearable, yes, ‘rebellious’ candidates have crossed the limits of what is acceptable, yes the left must confront its demons, the fractures which undermine it and the violent people who sully it”, he nevertheless recognizes .

“Moral lessons are anything but moral if they lead to consent to the triumph of the worst”

But faced with the risk of the arrival of the RN and Jordan Bardella to power, Raphaël Glucksmann asks his voters to put a New Popular Front ballot in the ballot box on Sunday June 30.

“Moral lessons are anything but moral if they lead to consent to the triumph of the worst,” he summarizes. “The only morality that should guide us these days is that of extreme urgency. It requires basing our choices on a clinical analysis of the situation.”

“Macronism died on June 9, 2024. It has neither the strength nor the legitimacy to act as a barrier,” says Raphaël Glucksman, who believes that “only the left can be the dam that French democracy so badly needs.”

The leader of Place publique, however, sets a condition. Like François Hollande, he calls for a Republican withdrawal in the second round if the New Popular Front candidate is not in the best position.

Already on Friday June 14, Raphaël Glucksmann affirmed that “the only thing” that matters to him is “that the National Rally does not win these legislative elections and does not govern this country”. The MEP said he was launching “in a fight to the death against the extreme right”.

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