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2024 legislative elections in Haute-Garonne. “The population is afraid of seeing extremes coming”: the presidential camp launches its campaign

the essential
In Haute-Garonne, the presidential camp candidates launched their campaign this Tuesday by inviting centrists from the left and right to join them.

“The residents of my constituency, number 3, which goes from the Carmes district to Gragnague, are worried. The population is afraid of seeing extremes arrive. For their retirement. For their purchasing power. » This Tuesday, during the launch of the campaign of candidates from the presidential camp (which brings together four parties: Renaissance, Horizons, Modem and the Radical Party), Corinne Vignon, outgoing deputy for this constituency in eastern Toulouse, elected since 2017 , summed up in a formula the match of the Macronist candidates.

Preceded everywhere by the National Rally and Raphaël Glucksmann in the European elections, they presented themselves weakened in the legislative elections. Their survival lies in a single strategy: the center against the extremes. And on 3 more than elsewhere, the destiny of the Renaissance candidacy lies in the ability to attract centrists from the right and the left.

“Come with us to form this large bloc of moderates,” invited Vincent Terrail-Novès, leader of Renaissance and deputy of Corinne Vignon. Between “the new Nupes and its share of extremists” and “national renunciation”, there exists in his eyes “a third way, the central bloc”.

The appeal to Glucksmann’s voters is clear: in the name of “Europe” and “secularism”, underlined Vincent Terrail-Novès in particular. Denouncing “ruinous projects for France” on both sides, Renaissance No. 1 assumes that “it is through activity that we create the wealth of our country. »


Dominique Faure, candidate in 10, targeted her Popular Front opponent, the PS Jacques Oberti, saying he was “embarrassed by the alliance with LFI and the NPA”.

“It is hard to imagine the social democrats submitting to the diktats of the Insoumis,” launched Jean-Luc Lagleize, candidate in 2, who took up the accusations of “anti-Semitism” and “communitarianism” made against LFI .

Member of Parliament from 2017 to 2022, Elisabeth Toutut-Picard is confronted in the 7 (from Cugnaux to Volvestre) with a strong RN and a united left. “I am convinced that a good part of the population thinks like us,” she assured.

Candidate in the 9 facing the outgoing EELV MP Christine Arrighi, Florian Delrieu, 25, targeted the opponent “to major projects”, LGV, A 69… “I believe in the right to progress”, he attacked .

“We are put back in boxes. If we are in difficulty, it is because of the system.” A thought fought by Margaux Pech’s deputy in 4, Jean-Philippe Rey, who prefers to invite “to take back our future in hand”.

Newcomer to the battle, Elodie Hobet, facing Hadrien Clouet in the 1st, is banking on the defense of “colossal economic issues” and “the preservation of employment”.


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