DayFR Euro

A ceremony in Millau to commemorate the Appeal of June 18, 1940

This Tuesday, June 18 at 6 p.m., the annual ceremony commemorating the Appeal of June 18, 1940 will be held, at the bottom of the Victory Park, in front of the Resistance stele. This event will mark the anniversary of the historic appeal launched by General de Gaulle, a moment of contemplation and remembrance to honor those who stood up for the freedom of France.

The ceremony will take place in the presence of local authorities and delegations of Veterans. The solemn reading of General de Gaulle’s Appeal will open the ceremony, recalling the courageous and inspiring words that galvanized the French Resistance during the Second World War.

Véronique Martin Saint Léon, sub-prefect of the district of Millau, will then take the floor to deliver the message from the Secretary of State to the Minister of the Armed Forces, responsible for Veterans. His speech will highlight the importance of the duty to remember and pay tribute to the sacrifices of the resistance fighters.

The Harmonie du Sud Aveyron will perform Le Chant des Partisans, the emblematic anthem of the Resistance, as well as La Marseillaise. The ceremony will also be marked by the bell ringing, performed by L’Elan Millavois, in tribute to the fighters who fell for France.

Do not miss this opportunity to pay tribute to those who fought for our freedom and to perpetuate the memory of the Appeal of June 18, 1940.


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