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Gas: discovery of 21.3 billion m3 in this Maghreb country

Exploration carried out in the Ogaden region in southeastern Ethiopia has revealed the presence of 21.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas.

This discovery, described as “promising” by the authorities, could have a significant impact on Ethiopia’s energy future.

These natural gas reserves were identified during drilling carried out in 19 wells.

They confirm the preliminary exploration data obtained by the Chinese oil company Poly-GCL, with which the Ethiopian authorities ended their collaboration during the last quarter of 2022.

Despite this change of partner, exploration in the 3,500 km² area continues, under the leadership of a new contractor.

This determination illustrates the strategic importance that Ethiopia attaches to this potential deposit.

The discovery at the Ogaden is not an isolated event. Other smaller natural gas and oil deposits have been identified in six other exploration basins across the country, including Mekele, Metema, Omo South and Gambella.

The Ethiopian authorities have clear ambitions for the exploitation of these natural resources. The goal is to produce natural gas by 2025.

This production should allow the country to reduce its dependence on energy imports, while stimulating its economic growth.

The exploitation of these natural gas deposits could have considerable benefits for Ethiopia.

In addition to the economic aspect, access to energy for rural populations could improve, as could the performance of the agricultural and industrial sector.

However, it is important to note that the exploitation of these natural resources is not without challenges.

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