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Celebration of the World Day of the African Child by FENADEB – IWACU

It is in the commune of Mukaza that the National Federation of associations involved in the field of childhood in Burundi (FENADEB) celebrated the World Day of the African Child this Friday, June 14. This event, organized on June 16 each year, was celebrated under the theme: “Education for all children in Africa: the time has come!” »

The celebration in Bujumbura was marked by the presence of different local authorities, members of associations for the protection of children’s rights and other organizations, all gathered to honor this special day.

La Fenadeb, in partnership with the Amagaba Cultural Club, entertained the audience with traditional dances and its famous performances performed through the rhythm of drums, adding a cultural and festive touch to the event.

The highlight of the celebration was the speech by the president of FENADEB, Jacques Nshimirimana. He recalled the historic importance of this day and Burundi’s continued commitment to celebrating and promoting children’s rights.

“Today is the Day of the African Child, celebrated every year on June 16. This is an unforgettable day for the lives of African children”, did he declare. He also highlighted the importance of this year’s theme saying that this initiative should have been adopted earlier.

The president of DENADEB pleaded for collaboration between different sectors to provide quality education to all children, insisting on joining forces to make this possible. He expressed the hope that Burundi would be the first country to implement this African Union slogan.

A continued commitment to Children’s rights

The ceremonies were hosted by the Amagaba Cultural Club

According to him, this day is not only a commemoration, but also a reminder of the commitment necessary to improve the quality of education for all children in Burundi and throughout Africa.

“We advocate for all people in different sectors to work together to provide our children with a quality education. Children must receive high-quality knowledge at school and, if some are experiencing difficulties, they must be helped to improve their education as well.he said.

He hopes that the adoption of the theme insisting on the best quality of education by the African Union is motivated by the recognition of the problems of education in Africa. “We would like Burundi to be the first country to implement this African Union slogan for quality education.”

In his speech, the president of FENADEB also thanked the authorities and all those who have ruled Burundi who have always given importance to children by celebrating this day every year.

Through the various speeches and cultural songs, calls to action were launched to remind everyone of the importance of working together to offer a better future for every African child.

Note that the Day of the African Child finds its origins in the tragic events of June 16, 1976 in Soweto, South Africa. High school students mobilized to protest against the authorities’ decision to make Afrikaans, a language of European origin, compulsory in Bantu schools.

The brutal repression of this demonstration led to the deaths of many children, making this day a powerful symbol of the fight for children’s rights in Africa.

In 1990, the OAU, the Organization of African Unity which later became the AU, the African Union, decided that every year, on June 16, the Day of the African Child would be celebrated. Since 1991, this day has been celebrated on a continental scale and Burundi has never missed this event.

At the national level, the ceremonies will be organized by the Ministry of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender, on June 27 in Ruziba (Muha commune, Bujumbura).


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