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story of the incredible day at the heart of the Lions of Mauléon, unfortunate finalists of Fédérale 1

Saturday, first chills

13 hours. As with every distant trip, the bus leaves the day before, at the beginning of the afternoon. And from the first roundabout, the magic happens. Hooker Bertrand Perez saw what was going on as he passed by to arrive at the stadium. He will be careful not to spoil the surprise. More than a hundred supporters celebrate the departure of the bus to Agde. Thrills guaranteed.

The Souletine delegation arrives at the end of the day in Hérault. The SAM will stay at the Sables d’or campsite, a stone’s throw from Servette Genève which has taken up residence in a 4-star hotel. During dinner, it’s karaoke night at the campsite. The Souletins, although not vocally clumsy, will not go so far as to take the microphone. You have to be in good shape the next day.

We experienced muscular awakenings in less pleasant settings.

Peio Benac

Dubié puts on a show

9 hours. The muscular awakening takes place on the beach of Agde. Among the joggers and curious people, the Mauléonnais continue their exercises in a good mood. The “Rencontre à XV” team is also there to immortalize the moment. Its journalists despair of finding President Beñat Queheille who seems to have vanished.

10:30 a.m. The video session takes place in two acts. The Souletin coaches show several sequences of the half against Orléans, then Didier Moustirats raises the emotion when he projects on the screen the Basque flag crossed out with the Pusa Maule and what it represents. Beñat Arrayet wants to desecrate the event. The sports manager throws a tape recorder. Problem, we have the image but not the sound. Out of 35 people, there must be someone who knows their way around computers. Hugo Jezequellou and Julien Larroude are sticking to it and Jaca, Heguy, Desassis, Iguiniz, Lopez, Erbinartegaray and Orabe can send their encouragement. Beñat Arrayet’s former teammate at Stade Montois, Jean-Baptiste Dubié gives the line-up in his own style. General laughter in the assembly.

Sound problem during the video session, quickly resolved by Larroude and Jezequellou

Peio Benac

Camille Lopez congratulated SAM on its journey.

Peio Benac

11:30 a.m. The meal is served at the campsite. The triptych of grated carrots, chicken, pasta is quickly swallowed and gives way to the trio of pétanque, ping-pong, cards.

“There are not 23, nor 30, nor 1,000 but 3,000 in this locker room. We represent all of Soule”

13 hours. The delivery of the jerseys is done by the captain of the team, Jean-Yves Orabe, last survivor of the previous SAM final in 2013. Simple and effective, like the man. Philippe Hontaas, who is coaching his team for the last time, takes the floor and gives the motivational speech. On the other side of the glass, we can see the water park and its tourists parading in swimsuits. Two rooms, two atmospheres.

The delivery of the swimsuits takes place in a room at the Agde water park.

Peio Benac

Cuckoo from the woods

1:25 p.m. The players wait for the bus which will take them to the stadium, whistling the tune of the gendarmes in Saint-Tropez. The atmosphere is relaxed less than 2 hours before kick-off. Faces tense as we approach the venue of the final and eyes water. A red and white tide awaits its players at the entrance to the Michel-Millet stadium. The choice was made not to bring the players down to the middle of the crowd but near the locker rooms so as not to lose too much momentum.

2:20 p.m. Leo Le Tiec and his partners go out for the warm-up, taking care to pass in front of their excited supporters. The image is impressive. Agde looks like Marius-Rodrigo.

The Souletins had come en masse.

2:58 p.m. Final words from captain Léo Le Tiec before kick-off. “There are not 23, nor 30, nor 1,000 but 3,000 in this locker room. We represent all of Soule.” He continues: “How long have you known each other? You went to school together. They (Servette) have only known each other for three years. » In summary: “80 minutes at full speed, like lions. »

3:45 p.m. Mauléon got off to a bad start at half-time of this final and trailed 16-3. The players still believe in it, Florian Aguer the first and letting his partners know. He reduced the gap a few minutes later, giving all the Souletin people hope for a moment but Servette was stronger and logically won 28-9.

Mauléon could do nothing.

Pierre-Alex Barcoïsbide.

7:30 p.m. The disappointment quickly fades and the return bus quickly takes on the appearance of a traveling nightclub. The trip to Croatia is being planned. Arnaud Carrique, Aubame and Etcheberry put on the show on the microphone. Donnadieu improvises a paquito on a highway rest area. The songs follow one another. On one of them, we hear that Léo Le Tiec has extended his contract for two years. Let his companion rest assured, Captain Souletin is returning to Alsace with her.

The deeper we get into the bus, the more the mood rises on the way back.


Beñat Arrayet meets in her swimming pool at 6 a.m., at the exit of Coucou des bois. Didier Moustirats explains that he did not have a vice-champion medal. His partner Philippe Hontaas has the solution. He will share it every other week with his son Pette, opener or center at SAM. More than 6 hours after starting, the bus arrives in Mauléon at 2 a.m. Just in time to reach the cuckoo of the Woods…


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