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Sultry promotions at the influential Intelligence Commission

There was a time when the Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives brought together elected Democrats and Republicans who stood out for their experience, their seriousness and their refusal to give in to partisanship. This approach made sense, because the members of this commission receive the most precious secrets of the American spy services and address questions that affect the national security of the United States. This was before Donald Trump arrived in Washington. And the latest example of the former president’s toxic influence has angered not only Democrats on the committee but Republicans as well.

Brief flashback. Earlier this month, House Speaker Mike Johnson named two of Trump’s most bitter allies, Pennsylvania Rep. Scott Perry and his Texas colleague Ronny Jackson, to the committee. The former was embroiled in Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election and refused to obey a subpoena to testify before the commission investigating the attack on the Capitol. The other was demoted by the Navy in July 2022 following a damaging report from the Pentagon’s inspector general, which upheld sexual harassment allegations regarding his inappropriate behavior as White House physician. He spends three-quarters of his time posting false messages on social media praising Trump or attacking Democrats, including Joe Biden.

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and other Republicans have demanded an explanation from Johnson about the promotions, according to the Washington Post. Johnson responded that he promoted the representatives in part because Trump asked him to. To comment on a high-ranking Republican Post speaking on condition of anonymity: “Johnson has done an about-face on this commission and politicized it again. He reversed any advances that could harm America’s security. This is not the place to play games. This is not the place to appease anyone. This is where the real work needs to be done. »

Ohio Republican Rep. Mike Turner, chairman of the Intelligence Committee, learned of Johnson’s decision regarding Perry and Jackson from the media. Fellow Pennsylvania Democrat Chrissy Houlahan, also a member of the committee, wrote a letter to Johnson urging him to strip the two Republican representatives of their promotions.

“There are literally hundreds of duly elected, honest members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, who understand the seriousness of their oversight responsibilities,” she wrote.

PS: Launched this Monday morning, the second fundraising campaign for this blog in 2024 is well underway. Thank you to everyone who has already contributed, as well as to others who will soon take action!

(AP Photo)

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Categories: United States, PoliticsTags: Chrissy Houlahan, Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy, Mike Johnson, Mike Turner, Ronny Jackson, Scott Perry


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