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House of the Dragon Season 2: Who is Alyrie Florent, mentioned in episode 1?

Alicent makes sure to light a candle for Alyrie Florent in episode 1 of season 2 of House of the Dragonbut who is she?

Season 2 of House of the Dragon starts with many important moments. But one of the most pivotal scenes of the first episode comes when Rhaenyra is finally able to hold a funeral for Lucerys, while Alicent Hightower goes to the Great Sept of Baelor and lights candles to honor the memory of three people.

One of them is Alyrie Florent, but viewers may not be familiar with the character in question. The name is however important for Alicent, who pronounces it first when she meditates: we explain to you why Alyrie Florent is entitled to such treatment and what she represents for the queen of King’s Landing in House of the Dragon.

Who is Alyrie Florent in House of the Dragon ?

There is little mention of Alyrie Florent in the series, but it appears that she was the mother of Alicent Hightower, who died before the start of the first season.


In episode 1 of season 2 of House of the DragonAlicent pronounces her name when she lights candles for the dead, thus placing her alongside Viserys Targaryen, but also Lucerys Velaryon.

Fan sites tend to present her as the mother of Alicent and Gwayne, and the wife of Otto Hightower. George RR Martin’s books do not offer more information, so it is difficult to find more details about it. But from a sentimental point of view, the mother’s hypothesis is entirely coherent.

Also note that on the occasion of the podcast of House of the Dragon, actress Emily Carey has given new leads leaning in favor of Otto Hightower’s late wife. The interpreter of Alicent explains in fact that he imagined the story of his mother, in a false diary which could be kept by his character.

We came up with a whole story about Alicent’s mother,” explained the actress. “Who was she? Where has she gone ? None of this is written in the book or the screenplay.”Emily Carey then goes on to say that she wanted to make Alicent’s mother a person of faith: “One thing we agreed on was that his mother was religious. Alicent is a believer because of this connection with her.

Episode 1 of season 2 of House of the Dragon has been available on Max since June 17, 2024. And to not miss anything about what’s next, you can consult the release schedule for the episodes of the series.


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