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to revise the subjects, here are the best Youtube and Instagram accounts according to these teachers

ijeab/Getty Images These philosophy teachers recommend using video content to complement the course.

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These philosophy teachers recommend using video content to complement the course.

BAC 2024 – Revise the philosophy baccalaureate for this Tuesday, June 18 on Youtube, Instagram and Tiktok? On social networks, many accounts offer videos on philosophy, to help students navigate the concepts, authors and methodology. Two philosophy teachers agreed to give us advice on how to navigate the jungle of content.

I myself revised a lot for my philosophy CAPES using the Internet. I’m from that generation too », Confides Camille Burgelin (@taprofdephilo), young philosophy teacher in two high schools in Yvelines. She even uses some of them in class that she shows to her students.

The first one she cites is “ iconic » according to her, it is the YouTube channel Le Précepteur. “ These are quite long formats, podcast type. It’s not very dynamic but it’s extremely advanced. He knows his subject well “, she emphasizes. She also cites, in the same style, another YouTuber called Kosmos.

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“An audience that needs somewhat dynamic content”

Another well-known figure in philosophy on YouTube, cited by our two teachers: Mr. Phi. “ He makes videos on everything that is going to be analytical, scientific philosophy. It is very illustrated with a very large choice », Describes Camille Burgelin. However, “ it is enormous », Warns Inès Jebli, philosophy teacher in Alsace.

The channel notably includes a whole series of special videos on the bac. She advises students, “ so as not to get lost », to first go to the videos which concern the methodology. Or, if they are tired of revising, of watching content on social subjects.

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Another YouTuber mentioned, Cyrus North, who today offers lifestyle and personal development content. “ At the beginning, he made excellent videos, quite funny in partnership with the L’antisèche channel, which I often show to my students”, explains Camille Burgelin, who describes these baccalaureate notions videos as very good quality. “ It also shows the structure of an essay well. They are aimed at an audience that needs somewhat dynamic content “, she emphasizes.

For last-minute revision, Inès Jebli recommends Serial Thinker, a YouTuber and TikToker who is also a philosophy teacher. “ It has thematic videos, such as on happiness, which allow you to revise. And methodology videos on explaining text, what exasperates teachers, etc. », she explains.

“Don’t get lost in the content”

In a shorter format, she recommends the channel @ParleMoiDePhilo, who is also a philosophy teacher. “ The videos are generally 10 minutes long, so it can be practical. For example, there is a video on Epictetus, one on the Epicureans, on Spinoza… It can be bad for quick little revisions “, she emphasizes.

On Instagram, Camille Burgelin cites the account @elevationsfr, recently popularized by Hugo Décrypte, with whom they co-produced a video called “Why young people no longer party”. For her, the most important thing in baccalaureate revisions is that the students “ develop critical personal thinking “.

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The objective is therefore not to recite but rather to “ think for themselves through the authors “. She also recommends keeping up to date with current events, with content creators like Gaspard G or Hugo Décrypte, or media like Tataki or Le Crayon. “ Baccalaureate topics are never far from current affairs », she slips. She recommends devoting 30% of revisions to videos or other and relying primarily on the teacher’s course, if it has been clear and precise.

For latecomers, we can already learn by heart the list of benchmarks, essential concepts of the philosophy program. “ It’s something that is quite quick to revise and that you find in all the manuals or annabacs », explains Inès Jebli. She also advises only using content from social networks “ complement ” classes. “ There are a lot of things and too much is the enemy of the bestshe summarizes. Retaining three authors per chapter is already very good. »

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