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Le Havre. Reactions after the death of Jean-Pierre Hureau, emblematic president of the HAC


Vanessa Leroy

Published on

June 17, 2024 at 2:30 p.m.

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On the night of June 16 to 17, 2024, the emblematic president of HAC Football Jean-Pierre Hureau died at the age of 91announced the Le Havre club (Seine-Maritime) on its account X this Thursday. “He left to join his son and his dear wife Maria. »

Player at HAC and Quevilly before becoming manager

In its post, the HAC recalls that Jean-Pierre Hureau “will have left his mark on Ciel&Marine history”.

It’s first as a player that Jean-Pierre Hureau distinguished himself. At HAC then at US Quevilly. “But it was as a leader that he was going to leave his mark on the senior club…”, indicates the senior club.

“In 1977, while Serge Marilly was president, Jean-Pierre Hureau joined the HAC steering committee, at the time in 3e division. He imposes his vision, his ambitions, and, logically, on the evening of the accession of the first team in 2e division, at the request of the steering committee, he takes over as president of the club. The year is 1979 and he will remain in office until the spring of 2000. 21 years marked by real success,” recalls the HAC on its website.

Jean-Pierre Louvel: “He had charisma and ambition for our club”

Joined by 76actu, Jean-Pierre Louvel, his successor from 2000 to 2015, knew Jean-Pierre Hureau well before he was president of the HAC. At the end of the 1970s, “I remember the day he introduced himself to me,” he says. “We were on the edge of the Cavée Verte and he said to me: ‘I will certainly take over as president of the club after Serge Marilly’. »

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Immediately, the feeling passes between the two men. “I was very quickly seduced by this man who had charisma and ambition for our club. He is someone who brought a lot to the HAC and to my career in football. »

Jean-Pierre Hureau built this club and in particular the training

Jean-Pierre Louvel,president of the HAC between 2000 and 2015

It is therefore quite natural that Jean-Pierre Hureau will propose to Jean-Pierre Louvel to succeed him in 2000, following the club’s relegation to the Second Division. “This descent had a strong impact on her. One morning, he said to me ‘I’m going to leave the presidency and I’m asking you to take over’. It was a difficult moment for him, for the club, and therefore for me,” says the man who will remain at the head of the HAC until 2015.

“Jean-Pierre (Hureau) built this club and in particular the training. He is the one who allowed the club to return to the elite and continue. Today, Ligue 1 is a reward for him and for those who worked with him,” greets Jean-Pierre Louvel.

HAC supporters: “History has shown that he was a great president”

The supporters, too, salute the memory of the former Le Havre president. On the social network a great president, a visionary who laid the foundations of today’s HAC. » And to remember “tough meetings in his office during the first Barbarians years, but always with respect for each other”.

FFF: “A great servant of our football”

“A great man respected by all and a great servant of our football for many years has left us,” greeted Philippe Diallo, president of the French Football Federation.

“Jean-Pierre Hureau was one of that line of leaders who leave a mark in the history of their sport and their club. For more than twenty years, he successfully and passionately chaired this Le Havre AC club which was so dear to him, through his work he managed to restore the dean club of our football to an important place, to make it one of our best training clubs, in particular. He was also an enlightened leader who listened to our authorities, a member and a friend of the Federation, without forgetting a great lover of our French team with whom he experienced the coronation of 1998. With him, we lose a man of value and quality, a builder, as well as a true gentleman. »

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