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Metz. Do you know how many times Metz is bigger than Nancy (in area)?

When traveling or in the middle of a discussion with geographically distant relatives, who has never undeceived their interlocutors? No, Metz is not a gray city, with Siberian weather, stuck between coal mines and old blast furnaces! Its image deficit dies hard. But it fades as soon as tourists set foot in the city.

Nancy, one of the densest cities in France

One of its main assets? Metz is a green city, with its body of water, its parks, its green spaces. A pride for the inhabitants. And a real advantage, to be preserved, for the quality of life of its inhabitants.

It’s not just a perception, but a reality: the city of Metz is particularly large. It extends over 41.94 km2. For comparison, the city of Nancy, which is among the densest in France, extends over 15 km2. With its 104,000 inhabitants, this corresponds to a density of 6,955 inhabitants per km2 compared to 2,866 inhabitants per km2 for Metz (for 120,000 souls).

Nancy, landlocked between the forest of Haye and Meurthe, is the 75e most densely populated commune in France, the eighth outside Île-de-France and the first in the Grand Est region. It is the town of Levallois-Perret which is the most densely populated, with 28,220 inhabitants/km2. Metz can be compared in terms of population density to Brest (2,820 inhabitants/km2 ), Le Mans (2,746 inhabitants/km2 ), or Amiens (2,685 inhabitants/km2 ).

Metz has nearly 2,500 hectares of natural spaces, or nearly 60% of its surface area.

According to a study carried out by Aguram, the urban planning agency of Moselle, on urban green areas, Metz has nearly 2,500 hectares of natural spaces, or almost 60% of its surface area. “It is home to rich and diverse natural and agricultural environments, such as waterways, woodlands or meadows (more than 1,000 ha), but also more urban green spaces, considered as spaces of a natural character: parks, gardens , or even interstitial spaces (around 1,500 ha)”.

“Do you know ? Metz” can also be listened to as a podcast

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