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Father’s Day: still a popular day?

Father’s Day is an opportunity for many to thank the important father figures in their lives in a thousand and one ways.

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Several Montrealers interviewed by TVA Nouvelles on Sunday indicated that they were going to take advantage of this Father’s Day to get together with family, at a restaurant around a dinner, or take advantage of the good weather to have a picnic or other outdoor activities. Some even plan to offer “small symbolic gifts”.

According to a survey carried out for the Retail Council of Canada last April, among more than 9,000 respondents across the country, fewer Canadians will, however, celebrate this holiday this year.

In fact, 46% of those surveyed planned to do something special on this occasion, while 64% were in this situation in 2023.

Also, 89.2% plan to spend similar or more than last year. 61% have indicated that they will make purchases. Among them, 56.8% plan to spend more than $50.


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