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70 horses and mares killed

If it is extinguished in the middle of the morning of Sunday June 16, 2024, the fire which broke out in a stud farm, in Bernesq, west of Bayeux (Calvados), between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m., probably was incredibly violent. A building of approximately 1000 m² housing several boxes, horses and equipment was reduced to ashes.

A 21-year-old man injured

Seventy horses and mares that were in the shed where the fire started died. “Animals were actually burned alive,” confirms Patrick Johannin, the mayor of the town, by telephone.

Read also: Their vehicle leaves the road: two dead, four injured in Neauphe-sous-Essai in Orne

Twenty firefighters mobilized

A 21-year-old man who allegedly raised the alarm was burned ” in the hands “. A slight injury according to firefighters which required transport “in relative urgency” of the victim at Bayeux hospital.

The Sdis (departmental fire and rescue service) intervened at 5:33 a.m. Twenty-one firefighters from the Bayeux, Balleroy, Le Molay-Littry and Trévières emergency centers were mobilized to put out the disaster. A gendarmerie investigation was opened to determine the exact circumstances. The Calvados gendarmerie indicates that there is no “no clue as to the origin of the fire”, but it would be an accidental cause.


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