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Russia: hostage-taking in a prison, kidnappers killed following the assault by the police

Security forces stormed a detention center in southern Russia, killing an unknown number of hostage-takers who claimed to be members of Islamic State.


Supporters of the Islamic State group (Daesh) who seized the staff of the pre-trial detention center in the Rostov region were liquidated, the hostages were released, Russian media reported, citing the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

Defendants detained in one of the cells of a detention center in the Rostov region took two employees of the sentence execution system hostage on Sunday.

According to the police, the prisoners were armed with a knife. According to preliminary information, the offenders handcuffed one of the Prison Service officers.

“They are in the inner courtyard of the pre-trial detention center, they have a rubber baton and a fire axe,” Russian media reported during the crisis, citing law enforcement representatives. – “It is very likely that there are six of these people. All are accused and convicted of terrorist attacks. Some have been convicted, others are being tried.”

According to the police, “one of the hostages is an agent of the institution, the other is a supervising inspector”.

The hostage-takers are believed to be among those involved in terrorist offenses and are members of the international terrorist organization “Islamic State”, more widely known in France as “Daesh”.

According to authorities, the prisoners were held in different cells, but they managed to establish communication with each other. The hostage-taking would have been in preparation for several months.

Additional sources • euronews in Russian, adaptation – Serge Duchêne


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