DayFR Euro

A caregivers’ day will take place Thursday June 27 in Mauvezin

One in 6 French people is a caregiver for an elderly, sick or disabled relative. Caregiving is often associated with the aging of the population. However, many caregivers are under 18 years old or are working. There is no age, no socio-professional categories, we can all become caregivers one day without even realizing it or noticing it, it is then possible to ask for help.

These findings led the professional territorial health community (CPTS) of the south-east of Gers and the town hall of Mauvezin to organize an afternoon for caregivers on Thursday June 27, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. This forum will be open to all and free.

On the program: at 2 p.m., at the Mauvezin cinema, play, “La Salade de bain”, written and performed by caregivers, the opportunity to better understand the role of caregivers who, often, forget themselves ( registration recommended); from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., at the rural home, presence of numerous stands, run by partners, on rights, financial aid, health, respite, home support, prevention, well-being for oneself inform and exchange, as well as relaxation workshops, such as yoga with the French Association of Multiple Sclerosis Patients (AFSEP 32), a creative workshop with the FEE association, sophrology with France Alzheimer 32, yoga laughter with the Mutualité Française (on registration) and a socio-aesthetic workshop (facial massage) with La Ligue contre le cancer du Gers.

Information and registration from Angélique Dardenne at


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