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If the Naruto characters arrived in the Dragon Ball universe, this is what it would look like! – News Series

With the help of software using artificial intelligence, fans have mixed the universe of “Naruto” and that of “Dragon Ball Z”.

While software and programs using artificial intelligence proliferate on the web, many fans now have the possibility of obtaining visual answers to their wildest dreams, of discovering with their own eyes the outcome of sometimes improbable scenarios. that had once crossed their minds.

Using said applications, some have imagined what Harry Potter and the other Hogwarts students would have looked like if they had lived in prehistoric times. Others wondered what Bella Swan and Jacob Cullen from the Twilight saga would have looked like if the latter had been animated by Disney studios. Still others wanted to know what the Marvel superheroes would look like if they had evolved as gangsters, in a New York similar to that of the Boardwalk Empire series.

Particularly prolix when it comes to diversions involving AI, fans of Japanese anime have also had a field day lately. Thus, the Instagram account entitled the_ai_dreams, for example, wanted to generate a mix between the universes of two shonen which are among the most popular of all time: the legendary Dragon Ball (whose creator Akira Toriyama unfortunately left us at the beginning of this year ) and the legendary Naruto, signed by Masashi Kishimoto from 1999.

In the Instagram post, we can notably see a Kakashi looking like Trunks, a Sasuke quite similar to Vegeta, a Naruto in Goku mode or even a Tsunade with a design strongly reminiscent of that of C-18.

What do you think of these illustrations generated by artificial intelligence? Would you like to see these two famous worlds come together one day?

(Re)discover the trailer for “Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero”…


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