DayFR Euro

“You saw the “stop sign” too late, you arrived too quickly and you made the decision to give it a shot”

Why didn’t he brake urgently? The victim’s family and loved ones, present Tuesday at the court hearing and hanging on the defendant’s lips, will never have an answer to their question.


The young man of today, 24 years old, confirmed “ lots of regrets “, ” disgust towards myself » at the material time. But on the conditions which made the occurrence of the tragedy possible, “ I have no explanation », he delivered not without difficulty, at the end of a silence which seemed interminable to the civil party.

On April 15, 2022, while driving in the evening on a country road near Buissy, the motorist collided head-on with a car at the intersection between the RD14 and the RD14E2. The car of the victim, aged 39, ended up on its roof and burst into flames. The mother did not survive.

At 95 km/h instead of 80 km/h

Certainly, the culprit had not lost any points on his license, contacted emergency services, and had not consumed any drugs or alcohol. He did not shirk his responsibility and this week answered all the questions from the court and the prosecution.

But the assessments carried out following the accident also revealed, in addition to the absence of technical failure on the vehicles and the non-use of the telephone while driving, excessive speed. This was estimated at 95 km/h instead of the regulatory 80 km/h on this axis. “ You saw the “stop sign” too late, you arrived too quickly and you made the decision to give it a try » by decelerating instead of stalling, summarizes the deputy prosecutor.

Thus the defendant appeared for manslaughter. A sentence of 24 months’ imprisonment, 16 of which were suspended, was requested against him; the deliberations will be made on July 9.


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