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The chilling message from Pastor Marcello Tunasi after the death of his wife

After the sudden death of his wife on Wednesday June 12 morning, Pastor Marcello Tunasi did not speak out. The famous man of God has just done so this Thursday, June 13 morning through a poignant post.

Pastor Marcello Tunasi: ”Lord, I feel amputated”

The famous Congolese Pastor, Marcello Tunasi is completely stunned by the tragic disappearance of a cardiac arrest of his wife on Wednesday June 12 morning, whom the faithful of his La Compassion Church affectionately call Maman Blanche Tunasi. Messages of compassion from many men and women of God from all over the world to him multiplied upon the announcement of his wife’s calling back to God.

The eminent servant of God, known for his edifying sermons on social networks, remained silent all day Wednesday, June 12. After this painful ordeal, Pastor Marcello Tunasi took upon himself the strength to publish a very poignant post this Thursday, June 13 morning on his Facebook page. ”Lord, I feel amputated, I feel torn and devastated. My breathing is like a fire that consumes my bones and my heart. I realize more and more that the wife you gave me was a very rare and irreplaceable pearl. In all my life, I have never felt such pain, and I hope with all my heart that it will be the last. Everything that reminds me of Blanche, a toothbrush, a cup, a photo, a souvenir, a decoration and especially our children, tears me to the core. I am counting on you to strengthen me and give me the strength to continue without her, because you know better than me how much she meant to me, to the children and to the entire community. I say thank you for lending her to me for 18 years and I believe that she is with you, in your glory, and that on the day of the kidnapping I will see her again.he writes.

However, the day before on his Facebook page, the famous man of God had shared an enigmatic publication as if he knew that his partner was going to give up the ghost. ”Don’t envy other people’s crowns if you’re not willing to pay the price they paid to get it! Every success hides a prize! Anyone who wants to lead others must prepare to endure trials!”he declared.


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