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Armenia became the 43rd state to support a NASA exploration mission to the Moon

JAKARTA – The United States Aviation and Space Agency (NASA) announced that Armenia has become part of the Artemis Treaty. The small country signed the contract on Wednesday June 12. The contract signing ceremony took place at NASA Headquarters and was attended by several parties. Representatives of Armenia are Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan and Armenian Ambassador to the United States Lilit Makunts. Meanwhile, the U.S. and NASA representatives are NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and Jennifer R. Littlejohn as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Marine and Foreign Affairs. environment and international sciences. Nelson welcomed Arnagement’s decision. According to could help NASA explore Armenia in exploring the Moon with

“Our involvement will not only strengthen our technological capabilities, but also encourage the new generation of Armenians to dream, innovate and explore the world and the universe,” explained Hayrapetyan. So far, the Artemis agreement has been supported by 43 countries, including Armenia. Through this agreement, NASA strives for successful lunar exploration missions, highlighting best exploration practices, to promise publicity of scientific data. Although the number of countries supporting its mission has been more than 40 over the four years, NASA estimates that this mission will be supported by more countries in the coming months or years.

Tag: nasa artemis bulan


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