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MCA-PSG partnership contract signed yesterday

It is now official, President Hadj Redjem has achieved a major coup by signing a partnership contract with the flagship club of the French capital, Paris Saint-Germain.

The MCA will benefit from PSG’s experience in training and the know-how of French technicians. It is also planned to organize a round-trip international match with PSG. As announced in these same columns, Mouloudia was awaiting the arrival of a representative of PSG for the signing of a partnership agreement between the two clubs. Finally, it was signed last Tuesday in the presence of the general director of Ooredoo Algeria, Roni Tohme, the regional general director of Paris-Saint-Germain, Fabien Dilem, and the president of the board of directors of Mouloudia of Algiers Hakim Hadj Redjem. The formalization of this partnership contract was presented yesterday as shown in the photo with the presence of managers of the operator Ooredoo, PSG and MCA. According to a reliable source, we have learned that this partnership contract will be very beneficial for Mouloudia, especially in terms of training where PSG technicians will help the club to train quality players in the coming years, especially since the MCA now has the infrastructure which allows it to set up a training academy so that the Dean no longer needs to recruit players by spending huge sums as has been the case for several years.

A return international match between MCA and PSG soon

Furthermore, in addition to training, those in charge of Paris Saint-Germain and those of Mouloudia d’Algiers have agreed to organize an international match which will pit the two teams against each other soon. This gala match will be played back and forth. The first will be played at the Ali-Amar stadium in Douéra and the second in Paris at the Parc des Princes. As for the dates of the two games, the two parties agreed to meet again shortly in order to set the dates of these two friendly meetings between the two clubs. Thus, with this partnership contract with the last semi-finalist of the European Champions League, the MCA is on the right track to becoming a giant of the African continent.

  1. Z.

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