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Monkey pox – DRC: one death possibly linked to the mpox epidemic in the North-West

Papy Naego, provincial Minister of Health, specified that the authorities are awaiting the result of the examination of the sample which will be sent to the National Institute of Biomedical Research in Kinshasa (INRB) to confirm the link with the epidemic of mpox.

The population of South Ubangi is called upon to respect hygiene measures, adds Mr. Naego.

Long called monkeypox, the disease is transmitted, among other things, by sexual contact. It is characterized by skin rashes on the genitals or in the mouth, and can be accompanied by outbreaks of fever, sore throat or pain in the lymph nodes.

At the end of March, the World Health Organization (WHO), which had already warned of the risks of international spread of the epidemic, expressed concern about an “acceleration” of the circulation of the virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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