DayFR Euro

Is a union of the right possible?

From Monday to Thursday at 8:10 a.m., find an Elisabeth Lévy cash. Our editorialist gives his opinion on a current subject without taboo or prohibition.

Find below the automatic transcription of the first 3 minutes of your show:

“Uniting anti-fascists or enlightened democrats against obtuse extreme rightists.”

Patrick Roger: It’s 8:13 a.m., Lévy definitely. Hello Elisabeth Lévy.

Elisabeth Lévy: Hello Patrick, hello everyone.

Patrick Roger: So on the one hand we are talking about the union of the left again, we will come back to it with Olivier Dardigolle.

Elisabeth Lévy: The popular front!

Patrick Roger: Yes, the popular front, and then on the other too we hear again about a union of the rights.

Elisabeth Lévy: Well yes, or we call it in the RN the union of patriots, in any case for decades this union has been prohibited by the famous cordon santé which ultimately concretely froze a large part of the conservative votes. Any elected official who dared to just accept the voices of the National Front, then the National Rally, was entitled to anti-fascist folklore and media vindictiveness. Well Emmanuel Macron is trying to resuscitate this cordon santé by uniting anti-fascists or enlightened democrats against obtuse extreme rightists, this is the theme of the republican arc, but he takes the risk of chaos because if no majority alternative emerges from these elections, well we could have for the Olympic Games a government that resigned or was hastily cobbled together with a shaky majority and weak legitimacy. So if we admit, as many voters do, that the National Rally is a party like any other, well yes, the right-wing oppositions can avoid this trap by forming an alliance. There are three parties, RN, LR and Reconquest, Sunday evening they were bickering about retirement or the war of civilization, but in bistros and in offices. We don’t wonder if it was Huntington, you know the clash of civilizations, or Fukuyama who spoke to him about the end of history who was right. On the other hand, the voters of the three parties of course share with nuances and differences the same demand, worried about historical continuity, the same feeling of dispossession.

“Preserve French customs, French culture in France.”

Patrick Roger: But don’t these parties still have a lot of disagreements between them?

Elisabeth Lévy: Well listen, in 81 the PS and the PC also had a lot of disagreements, Giscard and Chirac Sorry, that was when, it was in 74 I remember, in 74, there you go, Giscard and Chirac too. And in 81, the PS and the PC still had a lot of disagreements. So of course, the Union has limits where it should have, between Europeanists and sovereignists as was the case in the UNP, it is difficult, normally it should not be possible between Islamo- leftists and communists, that we will see, but it still seems that LR is reconquering, RN are rather in agreement on the essential, in any case on the most urgent, which is regaining control of our collective destiny and preserving French customs, French culture in France. So there are also perhaps our political morals in all this, it’s because we adore the big ideas that we throw at each other’s heads, the civil war that we constantly replay, but the culture of coalition which is actually at work in most major parliamentary democracies, it could contribute to pacifying our morals. (…)

See also:

Elisabeth Lévy on June 10, 2024: Dissolution: What to think of Emmanuel Macron’s twist?

Elisabeth Lévy on June 5, 2024: LFI MP Rachel Kéké brandishes a Palestinian flag in the National Assembly, the session suspended

Elisabeth Lévy on June 4, 2024: Europeans: the RN uses the image of a gendarme for a poster

Elisabeth Lévy on June 3, 2024: Attacks on works of art: Rachida Dati wants to create a new criminal sanction


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