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Jarry Collapses, Dr. Kierzek's Celiac Disease Warning


Published on 05/11/2024 at 5:43 p.m.
updated on 05/11/2024 at 5:43 p.m.

Lecture 2 min.

in collaboration with

Dr. Gérald Kierzek (medical director)

In , comedian Jarry suffered illness on stage, in the city of Perpignan. According to the artist, it could be celiac disease. Dr Gérald Kierzek's explanations on this autoimmune pathology which affects many people.

During an interview for Good Sunday show on RTL, Jarry opened up about a misadventure he experienced in Perpignan, before going on stage. “A room of 800 people, I said 'BONSOIR PERPIGNAN' and I passed out on the people in the front row” says Jarry.

Jarry is affected by celiac disease

This catastrophic entrance onto the scene – to say the least – surprised the spectators. Getting up with difficulty, the comedian had to face the symptoms of discomfort which were only just beginning. “Then I vomited, lost consciousness and woke up in intensive care.”. This visit to the hospital will make it possible to diagnose the pathology from which the comedian suffers: celiac disease, which is also called gluten intolerance.

What is celiac disease?

Questioned, Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of Doctissimo, explains the differences between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. “Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are often confused, but they differ significantly” the doctor begins. “Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition where consuming gluten causes an immune response that damages the small intestine, affecting nutrient absorption.”

Gluten sensitivity, also called non-celiac gluten sensitivity, causes symptoms similar to celiac disease but without damaging the intestine. “It does not involve an autoimmune reaction and may be less severe” according to our expert.

NO to diets, YES to WW!

What are the symptoms of this disease?

Symptoms of celiac disease include diarrheaof the abdominal painand fatigue” describes Gérald Kierzek again. “The treatment is based on a strict gluten-free diet”.

The diagnosis involves several key steps, according to the medical director of Doctissimo:

  • The main test is the search for anti-transglutaminase IgA antibodies;
  • In case of IgA deficiency, IgG tests can be used;
  • If serological tests are positive, an endoscopic biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

In Europe, between 0.7 and 2% of the population are affected by celiac disease, or around 700,000 people in . Treatment is to eliminate all foods containing gluten. A restriction which requires time to adapt, in order to find a new nutritional balance and which will inevitably have an impact on the social life of the sick person.

Slide: 10 tips to avoid gluten


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