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Mesrati indicated yesterday from Ouargla: Algeria has established a legal system ensuring the credibility of elections

The president of the High Authority for Transparency, Prevention and Fight against Corruption (HATPLC), Salima Mesrati, declared Thursday in Ouargla that “Algeria has established an integrated legal system with constitutional and legal guarantees for ensure the transparency and credibility of the electoral process.

Speaking at a national seminar entitled “The development of electoral processes, strengthening integrity and transparency for a sustainable democracy” held at Kasdi Merbah University in Ouargla, Ms. Mesrati stressed that “this body is seeks to anchor the culture of transparency, contribute to the moralization of public life and strengthen the principles of transparency and good governance.

“Transparency constitutes a primary mechanism capable of guaranteeing the credibility and integrity of the electoral process which contributes to strengthening citizen confidence in state institutions”, which requires, according to her, “to consolidate it in as one of the foundations of good governance.

And added: “The transparency of the electoral process revolves around numerous means, including the control of the financing of the electoral campaign which constitutes a fertile ground for political corruption”. “The High Authority for Transparency, Prevention and Fight against Corruption works to anchor the culture of transparency, contribute to the moralization of public life and strengthen the principles of transparency and good governance,” a- she pointed out.

For his part, the secretary general of the National Federation of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Messaoud Amarna, highlighted “the mission of the university institution, an efficient partner, by contributing to the dynamic of development, all sectors combined, particularly in the political domain through its contribution to the formation of socio-political consciousness.


In this sense, the rector of the University of Ouargla, Professor Tahar Hallilet, affirmed that “the university institution provides, in the Master cycle, training in the “Electoral means and political communication” sector to translate membership of the university to the reforms advocated by the State to consolidate the factors of probity and transparency.

The participants, academics and members of the High Authority for Transparency, Prevention and Fight against Corruption, addressed a series of questions linked in particular to “guarantees of the integrity of elections in light of electoral laws and the prevention and the fight against corruption”, “probity and transparency and their importance in the electoral process”, “the dimensions of integrity and transparency in the different stages of the electoral process” and “the protection of electoral data against fraud and cyberattacks.

The work of this national seminar was sanctioned by recommendations immediately calling for the adoption of electronic voting to ensure greater transparency and honesty of elections, the rapprochement of consultative and citizen control bodies, the use of new information technologies in the organization and monitoring of elections, the integration of the subject of the fight against corruption and the moralization of public life into the nomenclature of university teaching.


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