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Adoption of the agenda yesterday


Yesterday was marked by the resumption of the ordinary session of the National Assembly.

The Lower House is currently led by Jean Jacques Rabenirina, deputy elected to Betioky and senior vice-president of this Institution, who serves as interim president. There was discussion of the adoption of the agenda. Note that the mandate of current deputies ends on 1er next July. There were only 34 to attend this session yesterday. This shows absenteeism at the level of this National Assembly. The meeting with members of the government and the amending finance law are also on the agenda. This last point should be in the hands of MPs today. One MP notably declared that this will give them a little more time but no longer 24 or 48 hours as before.

Public mandate. Should we recall that in its article 71, the Constitution stipulates that the mandate of deputy is incompatible with the exercise of any other elective public mandate and any public employment, except teaching. The deputy appointed as a member of the Government is automatically suspended from his mandate. He is replaced by his deputy. The deputy exercises his mandate according to his conscience and in compliance with the rules of ethics determined in the forms set out in article 79 below. Article 72, during his mandate, the deputy cannot, under penalty of forfeiture, change political group to join a new group, other than the one in whose name he was elected. In the event of violation of the preceding paragraph, the sanction is disqualification which is pronounced by the High Constitutional Court. The elected MP without party affiliation can join the parliamentary group of his choice within the Assembly. The disqualification of a deputy can also be pronounced by the High Constitutional Court if he deviates from the line of conduct of his parliamentary group. The disqualification regime and the rules of ethics and professional conduct are determined by the law on political parties and the regulations on the financing of political parties. Article 73, No deputy may be prosecuted, sought, arrested, detained or judged in connection with the opinions or votes expressed by him in the exercise of his functions. No deputy may, during sessions, be prosecuted and arrested in criminal or correctional matters, except with the authorization of the Assembly, except in the case of flagrante delicto. No deputy may, outside session, be arrested without the authorization of the Bureau of the Assembly, except in the event of flagrante delicto of authorized prosecutions or of final conviction. Any person demonstrating an interest may contact the Permanent Bureau of the National Assembly in writing to implicate a deputy. The Office must provide a detailed response within three months.

Collected by Dominique R.


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