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What the first investigations reveal

A Franco-Senegalese man was found dead in atrocious circumstances at his home in Yoff Apecsy on the night of Monday 13 to Tuesday 14 May 2024. According to investigations carried out by the Kéwoulo team in the neighborhood, the white lebou would be a very discreet man who was very rarely seen outside. The rare times he went out, it was to play with the neighborhood children for whom he bought soccer balls and jerseys.

According to a local shopkeeper, 30 minutes before the murder, the white lebou had gone to buy bread. Another neighbor reveals to us that, 2 days before the events, she would have seen him in front of the door of her house with two mechanics and that it was the last time until the announcement of the sad news.

Other residents of the neighborhood also informed us that the white lebou was married to a young Senegalese woman and had even adopted a child who, like his adoptive mother, was absent at the time of the crime due to a trip. carried out in Kaolack with his sister. Our sources add that it was upon returning from Kaolack, that is to say the day of the crime around 11 p.m., that the travelers discovered the lifeless body of the white lebou, his hands tied.

Alerted by the screams and cries of the two women, the residents of the neighborhood who were coming out from everywhere gradually gathered around the house. Our informants also whispered, under the cover of anonymity, to the Kewoulo team that the Dakar Research Brigade which would have been deployed in the neighborhood would have arrested to date, two suspicious people from the same family. it would be Khadim Top, better known under the name of Bamba who would be a mechanic of the white lébou and his cousin, Ass Sarr who would also be an electrician of Senecartours.

Furthering our research in the murder district, Bamba Top’s mother and big brother described to us the scene of the arrest of the last named. According to them, on the day of the crime, the white lebou had called Bamba on the phone but that he would not have received him seeing that the latter was in the gym. The parents of the accused add that it was after seeing the missed calls from his boss upon his return from the training room that Bamba in turn called the lebou in vain. The deceased’s cell phone rang in vain and it was upon his arrival in the neighborhood that the suspect saw people at his friend’s house and was informed of the sad news. Better still, Bamba’s relatives report that the accused would have informed the police that the white lebou would have called him a few minutes before and that he too would have tried to contact the victim without success. That he would, in his capacity as a mechanic, make the deceased’s car available to them in case of need for investigation.

According to family members of those arrested, after the tragedy, the Dakar search brigade came to the alley of their houses in order to trap Ass sarr and get their hands on Bamba Top. Our interlocutors continue that the brigade would have called Bamba Top to ask him for the keys to the deceased’s car. The latter, who was not at home, would have told his cousin ass sarr to come down and give them the keys. Unfortunately, it will be a big surprise for Ass sarr who will be arrested and taken on board. As for Bamba, he too would be, on his return from training, intercepted on the corner of the neighborhood by a man who would let him know that his car would have a problem and that he would need the services of a mechanic. Acting in good faith, the professional mechanic would have gone to take a look at the car or he would not notice any problem. But this was only a trap because the man who arrested him would be a plainclothes police officer who would try to put his hands on him. It was around 10 p.m. Bamba was in turn taken on board despite the fact that he denied having anything to do with the white man’s death. Our interlocutors of the day insisted that the demarcation of the phones of those involved would be decisive in this case. Bamba Top and Ass Sarr were referred despite their denials.

The investigation is still ongoing and we will return to it with more information.


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