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World Environment Day: Orange DRC and its employees are committed to raising awareness and collecting waste for the protection of biodiversity

The telecommunications company Orange DRC, thanks to a partnership established with OL WAST Recyclage Sarl, launched this Wednesday, June 5, a series of activities focused on waste collection and awareness-raising around the program: “Orange Engage for Change”. This campaign held on the sidelines of the celebration of World Environment Day offers the opportunity for Orange DRC agents and collaborators to actively contribute to the preservation of the Environment.

It all started from the central guard, the participants walked along the Boulevard du 30 Juin, picking up a variety of waste abandoned on this stretch. This waste will be sorted and recycled in order to promote the good management of plastic waste. They also raised public awareness to be able to adopt responsible behavior with regard to the protection of the environment.

“At Orange DRC, we are aware that our beautiful country the DRC is our common good and that every gesture to preserve it counts! We know that with our strong and committed collective, we can make a difference to help build a better world for future generations. It starts now and together we are committed to a sustainable future!” With Orange Engage for Change, Orange is getting closer to populations by investing in and actively supporting local initiatives in favor of inclusion and the environment. To find out more about the Orange Engage for Change platform and the social projects deployed by the Orange group, log on to the website. Discover in pictures the testimonies of beneficiaries, employee volunteers and join us in this social adventure,” declared Josy NKONGO, Director of the Culture, Engagement, Patronage and CSR Department.

And to add:

“Orange RDC is a company that is committed to accessible and responsible digital technology but also we are concerned by all the environmental issues of the community in which we live and this is how with this scourge that we have in the city of Kinshasa , we have decided to commit all employees to this activity to make our environment healthy. By also raising awareness.”

Orange Engage for Change is a web platform that offers a space to discover, share and engage in societal projects. It is accessible to all Orange group employees to volunteer and to the general public for a better understanding of our commitments. This multi-country initiative draws on the programs of the Orange Foundation and the Orange Digital Centers network, thus offering a structured framework, a solid infrastructure and varied opportunities to support and develop voluntary actions with our committed employees.

The platform offers environmental and societal initiatives, solidly supported by the active commitment of employees, which allow them to devote three days of work per year to projects with societal impact.

Celebrated on June 5 each year, World Environment Day aims to raise awareness and highlight actions in favor of the environment. This year, the campaign focuses on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience.

Grace GUKA


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