DayFR Euro

Europeans: Bellamy mocks the “cicada” Macron and castigates the RN in his last meeting

The head of the LR list François-Xavier Bellamy, on Wednesday called on his supporters to mobilize to “convince” voters to vote for the right on Sunday during his last meeting, mocking the “Macron cicada” and castigating the RN which is “using itself “European elections.

“To succeed in the challenge that awaits us, it is your voice that I need,” he said during his final campaign meeting in Le Cannet, LR stronghold of the Alpes-Maritimes, in a room designed for 1,500 people which turned out to be a little too small.

In a speech without notes lasting almost an hour, strolling on stage with microphone in hand, the philosophy professor, who remains stuck around 7% in the polls, attacked the majority and the National Rally in turn.

“Emmanuel Macron is La Fontaine revisited,” he quipped, returning to the recent downgrading of the country’s sovereign rating by S&P Global Ratings.

Describing the Head of State as a “cicada version 2”, Mr. Bellamy assured that Mr. Macron intended to go and see “the ant” (his European partners, Editor’s note) after the June 9 elections to suggest that they “make a debt together”.

Mr. Bellamy also attacked the RN, which is leading the polls with more than 30% of the votes, accusing it of its absence from the European Parliament.

“The RN is using this election much more than it wants to serve France through it,” he denounced in front of the activists who were waving tricolor flags.

In the front row were the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region Laurent Wauquiez and the mayor of Cannes David Lisnard, two of the possible right-wing candidates for the Elysée in 2027, as well as the president of the LR group in the Senate Bruno Retailleau .

“Have confidence, we are this right of recovery”, affirmed the boss of LR Eric Ciotti who bluntly attacked President Macron, accusing him of “taking hostage” the electoral campaign.

“We will have to say no to Macron on Sunday and we will have to say it strongly, but with reason, intelligence and conviction (…) to build new hope,” he declared.

In the same tone, Céline Imart, number 2 on the list, was delighted to be part of a new generation on the right”, one which “will turn the page on the failures and betrayals of Macronism”.


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