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Roissy-en-France: a Ukrainian-Russian arrested in a hotel in possession of explosive devices, the anti-terrorism prosecution seized

A man of Russian and Ukrainian nationality was arrested Monday afternoon in the town of Roissy-en-France (Val-d’Oise) in possession of explosive devices, after one of them exploded in his face , learned Le Parisien, confirming information from the Journal du Dimanche. An investigation was opened by the national anti-terrorism prosecution (Pnat).

The gendarmerie intervened on Monday following the explosion of an improvised explosive device in a hotel room occupied by a man of Ukrainian nationality. The individual, aged 26, had significant burns to his face and arms. He was hospitalized at the Gonesse hospital center (Val-d’Oise). The hotel had to be evacuated to give law enforcement time to intervene.

The man, who was conscious despite his injuries, told investigators that he had been building homemade batteries for cell phones when one of them exploded. According to our information, these batteries were covered in plastic, with a match, powder and barbecue lighters inside. “The first findings at the scene led to the discovery of products and materials intended for the manufacture of explosive devices,” confirms the national anti-terrorism prosecution, in a press release released this Wednesday. One of these devices had exploded. »

The Pnat opened an investigation on Tuesday into charges of participation in a terrorist criminal association with a view to preparing crimes of attacks on persons, possession of an incendiary or explosive substance or product or of elements intended to compose an incendiary or explosive device with a view to preparing destruction and damage or harm to people, in connection with a terrorist enterprise. The man was taken into custody.

The Versailles Research Section and the Pontoise public prosecutor’s office relinquished responsibility in favor of the Pnat, which entrusted the investigations to the General Directorate of Internal Security. The investigation should clarify the facts and the motivations of the individual.


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