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To escape floods in Germany, a woman remained perched in a tree for 60 hours


Laurene Fertin

Published on

June 5, 2024 at 7:13 p.m.

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Sacred courage and a sacred fright. A 32-year-old young woman remained perched high up in a tree for 60 hours To escape to floods which struck southern Germany on Tuesday June 4, reports the media Bild.

It is a drone who spotted the one who took refuge on an uprooted tree two meters high. She was missing since Saturday June 1.

Safe and sound

Emergency services were able to its evacuation. This was found not far from the town of Neu-Ulm in Bavaria, in a forest. Weak and dehydrated, the survivor was transported to hospital, safe and sound.

Given the many bad news stories in recent days, this story is also a beacon of hope for us as police. That’s why we made it public.

Police spokespersonA Bild

The young woman had also called for help on the evening of Saturday June 1, but communications were then cut off.

Five people died

Other people weren’t so lucky. According to a latest assessment, five people died in floods.

The last known victim is a 52-year-old woman, surprised by floods in his car, in which she unfortunately got stuck. Three other people died in their basement. Finally, a rescuer also died.

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In total, 60 000 first aiders were called. 6,000 people had to flee the region.

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