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Biden in France to outrun Trump

Former President of the United States and current Republican Party candidate in the next presidential election, Donald Trump, was unanimously convicted of 34 crimes by a popular jury. An unprecedented verdict: Donald Trump is the first former president to be criminally convicted. How did this unfold? What are the consequences for the race for the White House, 5 months before the presidential election? Special episode.

After 5 weeks of testimony and cross-examination at the criminal trial of Donald Trump in New York, the 12 members of the popular jury have the difficult task of deciding the guilt or innocence of the 45th President of the United States. 34 charges were brought against him by the American justice system.

Breaking with the country’s political traditions, Joe Biden and Donald Trump agreed to organize a first presidential debate between the two of them and them alone, on June 27, before the summer, without going through the Presidential Debates Commission ( CPD), a non-partisan organization whose mission is precisely to ensure these debates take place. Why this choice of candidates? What should we expect from this earlier than ever debate? Decryption in this new episode of Washington Briefing.

On November 5, 244 million Americans will be called to the polls to elect their 47th president. Except that in reality, only 6% of them, spread across 6 states, will have victory within reach of the ballot. These are voters who live in the famous “swing states”, states that are traditionally hotly contested between the Democratic and Republican camps, unlike the rest of the territory, whose way of voting is much more predictable.

The popular protest in favor of the Palestinians in Gaza found new life when, on April 17, students from Columbia University in New York set up an encampment inside their campus. Day after day, the protest movement grew in the United States, forcing President Biden to react. And this anger among young American students, a phenomenon already observed in the last century, may well find its way into the presidential campaign, until November 5, Election Day.

In a forthcoming book, Kristi Noem, governor of South Dakota, recounts killing one of her hunting dogs in cold blood several years ago. The anecdote would not have sparked such controversy if Kristi Noem was not among the favorites for the post of vice-president alongside Donald Trump, for the next presidential election. The outcome of this side race is therefore more uncertain than ever.

After months of bitter discussions in the corridors of Congress, American parliamentarians are about to vote on an envelope of 60 billion dollars in military, economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. A bill soon signed by President Biden, which could not have been signed without a tacit agreement from his Republican rival Donald Trump.

Former American president and candidate for the November presidential election, Donald Trump, will not have escaped this. Yesterday in New York, a first criminal trial against him opened, in the so-called “Stormy Daniels” case. A historic trial because never has a former American president been tried by a criminal court in the United States.

A majority of Americans do not want a rematch between Biden and Trump as a duel in the next presidential election. However, this is exactly what awaits them, since the two candidates obtained the absolute majority of delegates from their respective parties. Eyes are now turning to other names that could emerge and disrupt the traditional rivalry between Republicans and Democrats. Among these contenders: Robert Kennedy Junior, the nephew of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, is credited with 10% of voting intentions in the polls. He hopes to play spoilsport in this presidential campaign.

Last Thursday, March 28, the 42nd, 44th and 46th presidents of the United States were gathered in the same room in New York: Joe Biden surrounded himself with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama for a campaign dinner and a record fundraiser, with $26 million raised. But the presence of Clinton, and especially that of Obama, alongside Biden, is not only useful for financing the campaign of the president running for re-election. Barack Obama will be a valuable asset for Joe Biden in the months to come.

New York justice on Monday eased the financial pressure on Donald Trump by reducing his bail to $175 million in civil proceedings, a procedure in which the former US president is appealing after being convicted of tax evasion. The real estate tycoon and Republican candidate in the November presidential election welcomed the New York appeals court’s decision on his bail, which spares him from having to face seizure of his property. his real estate properties, strong symbols of his personal success.

In the race for the White House, both candidates are now known. Joe Biden on the Democratic side, and Donald Trump on the Republican side. A competition which will see the two oldest candidates in American history face off, and over which the specter of American justice will hover, Donald Trump being targeted by four criminal charges. If a candidate were to withdraw voluntarily or were forced to do so, what would happen? The political parties and the United States Constitution have it all figured out.

The October 7 attack and Israel’s retaliation against Hamas in Gaza forced the United States to position itself in favor of Israel, even if the American president recently made a change of tone, with a more critical speech. with regard to the warlike policies of Benjamin Netanyahu. Without calling for a total ceasefire. Between the desire to support his historic ally, and the need to appease citizen anger in the United States in the face of the terrible human toll in this conflict, Joe Biden is forced into a balancing act diplomacy, the main risk of which is to alienate many young, traditionally Democratic voters at the polls next November.

Super Tuesday was fatal for Nikki Haley. Donald Trump’s rival announced this Wednesday morning that he was throwing in the towel, leaving the way open for the former president to obtain the Republican Party nomination. Opposite, Joe Biden is guaranteed to be designated as the Democratic candidate. The 2020 duel will therefore take place again in 2024.

On Saturday, Donald Trump won the South Carolina Republican primary with 60% of the vote, compared to 40% for his opponent, Nikki Haley. A humiliating defeat for the former governor of this state in the southeast of the United States, who was therefore playing at home. However, Nikki Haley has once again refused to throw in the towel and is banking on being sidelined during the former American president’s campaign. So far, nothing seems to be able to prevent Donald Trump from obtaining the Republican Party nomination. Which will not guarantee him a victory next November against Joe Biden.

It is a trial that will be historic: no former American president has ever been tried criminally. Despite incessant attempts to obtain the postponement of the numerous trials against him, Donald Trump will be tried from March 25 in Manhattan, in the state of New York, for suspicious payments during the 2016 presidential campaign. The start of this trial, which will last 6 weeks, was definitively set last week by a judge.

Targeted by a report describing him as an elderly man with a bad memory, unable to remember the date of his eldest son’s death, Joe Biden chose to counterattack. Instead of putting an end to the controversy, the 81-year-old president rekindled it by first claiming to be in good health, and then blundering. The Americans’ concern is undeniable, but the Democratic camp is, for the moment, standing united behind the president.

Every week, Benoit Ballet, correspondent for BFMTV in the United States, and Thierry Arnaud, columnist, offer you an analysis of American news. An informal discussion, to understand everything about the looming elections and a country that continues to fascinate us, to listen to on BFM radio, and on all streaming platforms.

The right to abortion will be one of Joe Biden’s major axes to beat his Republican rival on November 5. And this rival will be, barring any surprises, Donald Trump. Last June, the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade who legalized abortion in the country for around fifty years. And Donald Trump, who during his previous term appointed 3 judges to the Supreme Court, took credit for the decision. The Democrats, led by Joe Biden, launched a major campaign last week to convince Americans of the danger represented by Donald Trump.

Donald Trump won the Republican primary in New Hampshire, further cementing his hold on the Republican Party. But her one and only rival, Nikki Haley, did better than what the polls predicted, losing by only ten points. With this result, she prides herself on being able to stay in the race for the Republican nomination. The competition continues, even if a final victory for Haley seems like a mission impossible.

Donald Trump won the first of the Republican primaries in Iowa on Monday evening, a landslide victory. The 77-year-old billionaire, four times criminally charged, obtained 51% of the vote. And leaves behind him, at around 20%, his main rivals Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley. Donald Trump sees it as a triumph and already projects himself as the declared candidate of the Republicans. But his two adversaries have not yet said their last word.

Can American justice block Donald Trump’s path to the White House? A decision in the state of Colorado constitutes a serious warning for the former Republican president. The State Supreme Court ruled in mid-December that Donald Trump was ineligible in the Colorado primary for having taken part in an “insurrection” in the context of the assault on the Capitol by his supporters on January 6, 2021.

The American presidential election is radically different from its French equivalent. Its system of primaries and caucus and its indirect nature in particular make it sometimes difficult to understand this electoral process scrutinized throughout the world. And all the more so in 2024, with an unprecedented configuration which could lead to a new duel between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. This user manual should therefore make it possible to capture the major moments to follow this year.

In difficulty in the polls in the event of a duel against Donald Trump in 2024, Joe Biden could count on a strong ally: the singer Taylor Swift. The American star, with some 400 million subscribers on social networks, could, if she were to support the Democratic president, tip the result of the election to Joe Biden’s side.

The Republicans want to regain the presidency of the United States. By convincing voters with a political program, but not only that. For several months, attacks against Hunter Biden, the president’s son, have intensified. Hunter Biden’s troubled past makes him the ideal target to reach his father, and destabilize the President of the United States in the campaign for his re-election.

In the race for the Republican nomination for the US presidential election in November 2024, five candidates are still in the running. Among them, former President Donald Trump dominates the polls. However, an outsider creates a surprise. Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, is gradually establishing herself as the main alternative to Trump. Will she, however, succeed in dethroning him from the candidacy?

Trailer – Washington Briefing


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