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a new day of strike at the SNCF in sight?

If the agreement proposed by the management of the SNCF for the payment of a specific bonus to railway workers mobilized during the period of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) was validated on Tuesday June 4 by Sud-Rail, CFDT-Cheminots and Unsa- Rail (95 euros gross per day, with a maximum ceiling of 1,900 euros over the period), this was rejected by the CGT-Cheminots.

In a press release, the union castigates an “unequal agreement” and “exclusion”. “This agreement only covers 30,000 railway workers in Ile-de-France and 20,000 in the region […] Railway workers in the region, having no Olympic or Paralympic site on their territory, will not be entitled to compensation.” However, “reinforcements will be sent to Ile-de-France: this will be as many staff in less in the region to ensure summer production”, adds the CGT.

“To receive the maximum sum of 1,900 euros gross”, it will be necessary “to have worked twenty days near an Olympic or Paralympic site, on days where competitions take place, and this over the entire period”. Before getting annoyed: “Ultimately, how many railway workers will therefore really be affected by the maximum amount? Very little !

Refusing to sign this agreement, the union also promised to “question management again”. With the possibility of a new day of mobilization after that of May 21 (co-organized with Sud-Rail). “A lot of discontent on different subjects would justify a day of mobilization” whose “date has not been determined”, explains the CGT to Figaro.

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