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She honks to signal a refusal of priority: a mother stabbed in the head in front of her young children

A mother honked her horn at a driver who had failed to give priority in Orange, in Vaucluse, on May 29, 2024. The latter stabbed her in the head, in front of her two little daughters.

She had just picked up her two little girls aged 7 and 10 from their gymnastics classes, Wednesday May 29, 2024. On the way back, the mother arrived at a roundabout in Orange, in Vaucluse, reports The Dauphiné Libéré.

It was then that a driver “tumbles, cuts him off and almost crashes into him”says his partner, cited by The Dispatch. “My wife screeched and honked to show him it was dangerous.”

A 10 cm wound on the skull

The driver at fault then gets out of her vehicle and the tone rises between the two women. The woman who committed the offense returns to her car, grabs an Opinel-type knife and stabs the mother in the head. In front of the children, who witness the whole scene, in the car.

“She came close to death”

The mother escaped with a 10 cm wound on the top of her head and 7 stitches. “Aurélie came close to death (…) If she had not lowered her head, the injury could have been fatal,” testifies his partner Damien, cited by The Dispatch.


The children remain traumatized, the oldest has nightmares every night. The driver who stabbed their mother was tried in immediate appearance. She was sentenced to 12 months in prison, 8 months of which were suspended and 4 months on an electronic bracelet, our sisters and brothers specify.

A hearing is scheduled for October to define the damages to be awarded to the mother.


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